Beginners Guide To Indiblogger

Ankita agarwal
Ankita agarwal
from bangalore
7 years ago

Hi All,

I am a beauty blogger. Started my blog 5 months ago.

I Joined indiblogger recently. Can someone please guide me on how to start my journey here. 

I basically write reviews on beauty products, travel stories and lifestyle related stuffs. 

It will be a great help. 



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Arvind Passey
Arvind Passey
from Delhi
7 years ago

Share posts on Indivine, to start with.

Read what others write.

Reach out for their blogs and comment there, if you have a point to share.

Appreciate by liking their post.

... this is quite a lot for a beginner. :)

Ankita agarwal
from bangalore
7 years ago

Thats really very useful tips. Thanks a lot arvind...:) 

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