No dogs were injured during the making of this website

Hemal Shah
Hemal Shah
from Mumbai
15 years ago

I was surpised to see this. I have not see anything like this. I think Renie can explain.

But in general, what is your take on this.

"No dogs were injured during the making of this website"

Replies 1 to 8 of 8 Descending

Hemal, what exactly do you mean? Could you clarify a bit? This went completely over my head.

Hemal Shah
from Mumbai
15 years ago

Mr Bala, just look at the footer of post!

You can find it throughout this website. I hope you had seen it. What I am asking is what is your take on this sentence?

Ah, I saw it now. Hadn't before! Have no clue at all what it's all about. Hope that some will clarify.

Hemal Shah
Hemal Shah
from Mumbai
15 years ago

@Renie: Why don't we have a Badge with this on it!!! Just a thought!

from Mumbai
15 years ago

Well it's a kind of a small joke maybe, even I noticed it a few days back. I think they call this stuff 'dry humour'.

Or maybe, As it is known world wide that Indian Bloggers tend to play it real safe, maybe our webmasters wanted to make sure that they did not incur the wrath of the Animal Rights Society.

Or, do they just want to tell us that even though they are working like dogs to keep this superb site going, none of them has been injured while he/she was at it???

Or maybe I should shut my silly mouth and let Renie give a more accurate answer. 

Renie Ravin
from Chennai
15 years ago

Lol!! Arjuna, you were right with the first one - it's just humour. However, we do have an affinity towards Dogs. Even our Society for the prevention of cruelty to blogs has a badge that says "Every blog has it's day". Smile

Reni, you won't like this post then, I am no dog-lover.Smile

My hair-raising encounter with stray dogs in Delhi

from Los Angeles
15 years ago

Maybe Renie and her team were in search of indibloggers with the help of dogs while making this site .. and that might be the reason why she has put that line ! :D hehe...

this line is surely giving all of us a creativity 'zatka' ! :D

Renie Ravin
from Chennai
15 years ago

Renie and his team! His team! I think it's time I changed my gravatar.... Smile

from Los Angeles
15 years ago

hey renie am so sorry! yeah I guess gravatar is the culprit! :D neways will keep this in mind.. :)

Hemal Shah
Hemal Shah
from Mumbai
15 years ago
I think it was the biggest joke. Even i have had to face this. Most of the anon calls i get, am asked "can i speak to Ms. Hemal?" and i have always reverted saying "ya, i am Mr Hemal speaking"

I have a friend whose is Kiran. He often gets calls and letters addressing him as Ms. Kiran. Kiran as you know can be the name of a woman as well as a man.

Somnath Paul
Somnath Paul
from Kolkata
15 years ago

It might be due to Menoka Gandhi and the Environmentalists, who look to save the green and life! So, it's a precaution..I liked the line, infat even thought of writting a cloned tag, but later on dropped the idea!

Hemal Shah
from Mumbai
15 years ago
Hey, why dont you put that dropped thing here :-)

Maneka's son Varun doesn't seem to have inherited any of the virtues of kindness to animals. He is all for cutting off people's hands and legs. Smile

Hemal Shah
Hemal Shah
from Mumbai
15 years ago
Have you ever read Menaka batting for humans. No. So, there nothing wrong with genes here. Just that she never shown those skills.

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