Why Should we VOTE

from Mumbai
15 years ago

“NO VOTING”, is this new mantra, a solution to hard and serious question “Why should we vote?” along with “To whom to vote and for what?” these are real serious question asked by young voters to political fraternity across the board. Why should I vote for some who possessed ammunitions in disguise of protecting family, and that to sourcing guns from India’s top most wanted hardcore criminal. Should we vote for him only because of his two hit Hindi masala movies OR should we vote for some one who is against computers and English as a language OR those candidates who spread lies and distributes money to poor voters OR to a government who in disguise of secularism is winning elections and alliance on vote bank politics and dividing society OR some one who is so myopic in his vision to separate the community in process of branding oneself as protector of a particular community.

But “Avoiding is never a solution to any problem” and again by deciding not to vote we are actually voting for the same corrupt politician to get re-elected, whom we hate for his crimes and selfish and narrow attitude. Well I would just like to say, “VOTE”, and vote not just for the change but also to initiate the process of change. When the voting percentage will increase, it will also increase the vigil and so the accountability of the politician. To make the matter simple, lets take a scenario of one hypothetical constituency, where voting percentage is very low, the candidates conducts a political arithmetic, and he finds that educated people are not going to vote, so why to flatter this class with development or any positives, as nothing matters to them and on the other hand he can buy out few percentage of vote by distributing money, liquor and sarees. Hence the politician is only interested in making money by hook or crook to distribute among poor to collect votes and will not look after development at all, as development may drive away his vote bank and also create hurdle in his money making business.

When every one gives vote the vigil increases and politician is accountable to more people and also he cannot purchase all the votes hence he has to give back to society by way of development work to get re-elected.

It is completely agreed that by voting this time it is difficult to change the system or get the development in process, but to initiate the development, just vote even if it means to select a lesser criminal of the options but choose one and vote. Yes, we should vote the best and honest person but if there are no honest candidates as an option, then we should go for politician with lesser criminal record as only by increased voting we can fit the fear of incumbency in politician for future election and he will have to start working or else another politician will get chance.

What we are voting is not just for a candidate of constituency but we are voting for “HOPE”, a hope that if not today our tomorrow will be better and with more satisfying feeling that I had a part / role to play in deciding what is right for my country. GUESS WHAT, THIS SATISFACTORY FEELING OF AN ATTEMPT TO SAVE OUR COUNTRY CAN BE AVAILED EVEN BY YOU AT A SMALL PRICE OF JUST ONE VOTE IN EVERY ELECTION WITH NO ADDITIONAL OR HIDDEN COST.


I can recollect a simple nursery story, which tells that a mouse ran over the body of sleeping lion. Well to me the moral of the story is “EVEN a mouse can harass and run over an unaware and sleeping lion”. So even if voters are the most important in democracy but if they are sleeping, these crooks can take us for a big ride.

what are ur views on this?

Replies 1 to 2 of 2 Descending
from Mumbai
15 years ago

I will only say this, Voting for the sake of voting is not an answer to the present scenario. I asked many of my friends on the day after polling was done on 30th April. One of them gave me this in reply-What difference does it make to whom we give our vote, the important thing is that I will be voting!

This is the attitude that we do not want. Voting for the sake of voting is unjustified.

The best option would be to register a Negative Vote 

from Mumbai
15 years ago



While it is agreed that voting for the sake of voting is not good. But the idea was not this, instead it was to select the candiadate in the given option or to b the option since "No Voting" is not the solution.

Voting should be done after due dilligence, just as done in investment. Honest candidate should b selected or lesser crimminal of the group or b option by oneself. But to Not vote by giving reason of no right candidate is much more destructive. Citizens right does not end simply by voting, he has to increase the vigil on candidate and fear of incumbency can be instilled in represenative only by voting

Again i m of the opinion that negative voting will not affect the ruling candidate, as he would be re elected by defaul and making him more careless


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