Revamped by blog homepage. Pls give feedback.
I have just revamped my blog's homepage. Since I blog on various topics I felt it was required to categorise them and allow the reader to chose the category upon visiting the blog. Let me know if it fulfills that purpose or is it too irritating? You can vote for it on my blog itself.
Thanks in Advance!
Reason: Need feedback on blog's homepage
Your website is like the disney's kids book which has information for everything.
A good selection of topics and articles.
Suggestions -
The blog has too much info in the entry page, divide it and keep only important items on the front page. Over information is not good
Make the logo small for Subscribe and share
I feel the entry page is too long, cut it short as visitors may lose interest.
Kindly visit my site and provide me a feedback (
Hi Ishita!
Thanks so much for the honest review.
Yes, there is very varied info on my blog. Actually, I just write random stuff whatever I come across.
Will decrease the logos of Subscribe and share. Thanks.
My home page has 10 recent posts (with their featured images) .. how many do you suggest that I should have? (I already mentioned the latest 5 on the topmost featured image)To be honest, I have tried to keep my posts attractive by using featured images. Anything else that I need to work on?
(Will give feedback for your site as well)
Its a nice blog.....liked the way you have written....and specially the Nokia story as I had a similar experience last weekend.
I am glad you liked it!
Do let me know if anything needs to be worked on.
Nice blog. But I agree with Ishita. You have lot of information on main page. If I were you, I will get rid of few things to cleans it up. Specially on left side, the feeds from different blogs and even live feed.
Thanks a lot for the review.
Can you suggest me what I should replace it with?
coz in that case i will have evenly divide the data between the sidebars.
also left sidebar is not visible when viewing posts. Only right sidebar is visible.
Hope that helps you in suggesting me something.
Thanks in advance
Interesting blog! Keep up the great work!
hey nice blog..quite like it :)
Thanks a lot Bhumika!
Saw your Review request on the forum. Shall look at your blog tomorrow. Cya!
hey dude! your blog is wonderful man. Its so versatile.
Hello genobz,
Excellent blog, very impressive content :)
My first impression of you blog was WOW :) Very professional looking site!
But one thing i noticed was that as I scrolled down I got a feeling of clutter, May be its because of the two sidebars on both the sides, i couldnt exactly figure out the reason but still... that was my honest first impression...
Overall, You have an excellent blog with great content, keep it up :)
Best wishes,
Hi Arti!
Thanks for the compliments and for bringing my attention to some clutter towards the bottom of the post. I figured it was being caused due to some smart-sharing buttons. I have reduced their number. Hope it looks better now.
Do let me know if you figure out how it can look better.
Hi Genobz...
Really nice content man...Also good to see that your an Arsenal Fan :)....Liked the article on Nokia, recently lost my Nokia mobile and switched to Dell....
Hi Vijay!
Thanks for compliment. Are you an Arsenal Fan too? Wud be great!
Sad for you losing your Nokia phone.. But I am sure you must be likin Dell as well.. :)
Ya Dell is a good phone too, but have been using nokia all my life so the transition is a lil difficult....Android's a charm though, beats Symbian in pretty much everything...I am a Chelsea Fan :)
Glad that you liked your new Phone. Even i do feel that Symbian is too rusty.. But m hopeful that Nokia will someday fix everything. Too much of hope actually. But being an Arsenal Fan, I have learnt how to keep hoping... :P
All the best for the next season, I hope Utd doesnt get their 20th this time!
ur blog is really nice.............i liked the way u have designed it.....:)
hey genobz
urs is a very professional and content-rich blog. The layout, design and widgets are all well made. Hope your monetizing your site as well as you seem to get a lot of traffic. Blogs like yours are good sources of inspiration for amateurs like me.:)
Hi Andy.
Thanks for those big words.
No, I am not monetizing my blog. Two reasons -
- I have a blog so can't put ads. Though, I can transfer my blog to which has this provision.
- Second, I do not believe that my blog, as of now, is good enough. I am looking towards reaching a level of 30,000 views per month.
That's too much. Right now, it's only 4k-5k... But, I'm learning and applying stuff that I learn.
Though, I'm glad I was able to Inspire you. Lemme know if you ever need my help.
went through ur is an engaging read. the topics covered r really gud. nice blog overall.
nice blog buddy...loved it... thanks for ur review as well :)
The blog was very enticing. I liked the design. Moreover, the content was good as well. :)
Overall a very nice place (your blog) to visit.
Keep up the good work :)
Thanks :)
actually, i had a certain reason for feedback, it's shared here.will be glad if you can give some insights.