Utsav Chakraborty would like you to review his/her blog.
[ http://www.illegalbriefs.wordpress.com ] IndiRank: 36

Review my blog because otherwise you'll be reviewing someone else's blog.

Utsav Chakraborty
Utsav Chakraborty
from Navi Mumbai
14 years ago

Yes, I am very deep.


Replies 1 to 12 of 12
Utsav Chakraborty
Utsav Chakraborty
from Navi Mumbai
14 years ago

Er, pretty please?

Dr Roshan R
Dr Roshan R
from Kannur
14 years ago

Dude, I have to say.. this is a super blog.. was laughing myself silly at some of those boasts.. damn creative.. good writing and great pics ... you have my 5 stars on this one.. keep writing more posts and watch ur popularity rise :)

As for now, I'll do my bit.. am blogrolling you.

Dr Roshan

P.S. If time permits, do review my blog too :)


Roy Daniel DSilva
Roy Daniel DSilva
from Mumbai
14 years ago

I Came, I Read, I Loled


Utsav Chakraborty
from Navi Mumbai
14 years ago

In that order? :P

Utsav Chakraborty
Utsav Chakraborty
from Navi Mumbai
14 years ago

Seriously, no one?

I'm 19, very new to the blogosphere (joined Wordpress this January) and I have not got my Indirank yet... So please, would all of ye be kind enough to review my blog?

Or I could pretend I'm a girl... Bet that'll get the reviews churning... :)

from Bangalore, Delhi
14 years ago

hmmm, dont think you have to be a girl to get the reviews "churning"

19 is legal.

Utsav Chakraborty
Utsav Chakraborty
from Navi Mumbai
14 years ago

@ Krow

I would totally beg to differ here. Girls can get away with the crappiest of blogs AND win attention and accolades from everyone. It can be in SMS lingo for all they care.

This is, however, not to say that girls are crappy bloggers. But crappy girl bloggers can get away with it (i.e. being crappy) while crappy guy bloggers usually have to suck-up grandly to win attention. :)

Utsav Chakraborty
Utsav Chakraborty
from Navi Mumbai
14 years ago

@ Krow

I would totally beg to differ here. Girls can get away with the crappiest of blogs AND win attention and accolades from everyone. It can be in SMS lingo for all they care.

This is, however, not to say that girls are crappy bloggers. But crappy girl bloggers can get away with it (i.e. being crappy) while crappy guy bloggers usually have to suck-up grandly to win attention. :)

Utsav Chakraborty
Utsav Chakraborty
from Navi Mumbai
14 years ago

@ Krow

I would totally beg to differ here. Girls can get away with the crappiest of blogs AND win attention and accolades from everyone. It can be in SMS lingo for all they care.

This is, however, not to say that girls are crappy bloggers. But crappy girl bloggers can get away with it (i.e. being crappy) while crappy guy bloggers usually have to suck-up grandly to win attention. :)

Riyaz Usman
Riyaz Usman
from Hyderabad
14 years ago

Interesting. Very. Isn't there an RSS?

BTW, You don't manadatorily need to reciprocate the nice words.

Sachin Arya
Sachin Arya
from Pilani
14 years ago

Here's my review (I ain't no superblogger with reviewing power bestowed on me by the state of Karnataka, which essentially means you may ignore what I write here.. ) 

Content: Your theme is one of the most loved and followed theme - Humor and Sarcasm. Make sure you use it to your benefit and get a large following for your blog. Some high points:

- Effortless writing, good sarcasm, humor and satire. 

- Excellent use of pictures accentuating the effect of your posts.

- Aggression in your writing.


- Banner and the punchline (s). Its catchy.

Suggested Improvement Areas:

- Try posting more on your blog than on Indiblogger... ;) .. I mean your last post on your blog was 6th April and everyday, without fail, you post something on Indiblogger...

- We need more posts on contemporary issues laced with your humor and satire...

- Template...though goes with your illegal theme, but not very soft on eyes...

- Try some other font. I guess you are using verdana at the moment. Not that great...

- Go shopping (for free!!) on word press support and lookout for widgets that help you share your post on FB, twitter etc. 

- I didn't see any disclaimer on pics. Good practice is to acknowledge the source. Make a general one if you don't want to put for every picture.

- No Categories of your own? I know your tagging is exhaustive! But to organize your blog better, define your own categories. Try and map those to WordPress categories for that extra incremental traffic.


Keep Blogging, 



from Hyderabad
13 years ago

too effin funny...  keep it up. That post about "Na Sar Jhuka Hai Kabhi" had me laughing uncontrollably for many minutes! I think my laughter turned into some wierd male giggling at some point.

Err, anyway. keep it up.

*macho look with eyes darting from side to side*

Sumit Surai
Sumit Surai
from Calcutta , Kolkata
13 years ago

Funny posts ... great Laughing