Blog Migration and Indiblogger

Anki Bhoye
Anki Bhoye
from Mumbai
7 years ago

I recently migrated from free wordpress blog to a self hosted site, now what happens to my existing blog feed and Indirank on indiblogger. I have applied with my new blog link to verify; but if I am supposed to, how do I delete my previos Indivine posts and by blog link here?

Edited 7 years ago
Reason: Typo
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Renie Ravin
Renie Ravin
from Chennai
7 years ago

Hey Anki, in this situation it's best to contact support by creating a ticket - they'll update your existing blog for you so that the migration is smooth! :-)

I don't think you need to delete old posts, in any case it should be doable by the backend. Check with the support team!

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