Wrong list displayed in Top Contributors list in Indivine

Partha Sadhukhan
Partha Sadhukhan
from Bangalore
9 years ago
I have observed that the Top Contributors list in any subcategory is wrong. The same list is coming for all subcategories under one particular category. Not sure if others have also observed this error in Indivine. I have already raised SR requests two times with IB support teams but nothing happened even after months. Not sure, if IB team has obsserved this and they are in process of rectifying the same.
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from India
9 years ago

Yes, Infact I too noticed this one. It stays there as it is without any change whatsoever. These are the only faces that appear in the top contributors list everyday. Then I thought, maybe, these people have contributed so much to IndiVine that no one has been able to take over from them.  :P


Partha Sadhukhan
Partha Sadhukhan
from Bangalore
9 years ago
You can observe that under a category for all subcategories the list is same. It can't be. Earlier it used to come properly but not anymore..IB team is also not rectifying this error.
Renie Ravin
Renie Ravin
from Chennai
9 years ago

Will look into this!

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