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பொங்கல் - சில குறிப்புகள்.

 நுழைபுலம் குழுமத்துக்காகப் பொங்கலும் நாங்களும்  என்ற தலைப்பில் உரையாற்ற எடுத்த குறிப்புகள் சிலவற்றை இங்கே பகிர்ந்துள்ளேன். 

Amit Samant
4 years ago

फ़ुलपाखरांच्या रानात (congregation of Butterflies)

congregation of Butterflies, Butterflies of India, Stripped tiger, butterfly, Mud puddling,Aggression of butterflies

Jayanthy G
6 years ago

Weekly Gratitude 2019 1/52

Gratitude posts for 2019. Week 1 of 52 in 2019

Amitabha Gupta
6 years ago

Retracing the footsteps of Mrinal Sen

It was yet another Sunday morning when I was travelling with my friend Aritra to visit yet another old mansion in West Bengal. I received a message on Whatsapp. It said that the prominent filmmaker…

29. एक बूंद पानी में एक वचन डूब गया!

पुराने पन्ने पलटते हुए, एक क़दम और आगे बढ़ते हैं। जीवन यात्रा का एक और पड़ाव, लीजिए प्रस्तुत है एक और पुराना ब्लॉग! इस बार मैं जीवन के कुछ ऐसे प्रसंग इस विवरण से निकाल दे रहा हूँ, या संक्षिप्त कर दे र

6 years ago

Indic Writers

A post on my views on Indic Writers

Saurabh Chawla
6 years ago

Doors Are Open For 2019 – Manil Mayank Mishra

While watching a preview of a master class by acclaimed filmmaker, Meera Nair, I stumbled upon this powerful statement by her – If You Don’t Tell Your Own Story, No …

Vikas Khair
6 years ago

Reading Plans for the New Year 2019

So Let's continue the conversation from my last blog post. It was all about the journey of last year, how many books I read, how did I rea...

Abhilash Ruhela
6 years ago

Seizing Small Moments of Life

1740th BLOG POST -->> How many moments do you remember from 2018 which does not involve the major events of your life? Are you thinki...

Amit Samant
6 years ago

दक्षिण गुजरात मधील किल्ले (Forts in South Gujrat)

Sahyadri, sahyadry, nature, trekking, forts, forts in Maharashtra, Dongar, Dongarbhau,Dongar bhau, insects, flowers,birds,caves,backpaking

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