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Sakshi Shioramwar
12 years ago


If I could fly, if I could fly Would you spare me the ground, would you? If I could wish, if I could wish Would you spare me th...

jahid akhtar
10 years ago

A Creepy Journey

Vacation was over and it was time for Shilpa to return to her hostel. Her college lectures were supposed to start from the next day....

Sakshi Shioramwar
12 years ago

The Omitted

After a while as I was filling an application form today, I realized that I was missing the alphabet ‘ e’ repeatedly. We all, I ...

Saru Singhal
11 years ago

Quote Unquote ~ 14/365

Untouched, Quote-Unquote, Unaffected, Good, Bad, Goodness

WOW: What a journey!

Again this is time to write a blog post based on a prompt. This time the challenge is to go to an old blog post and to change it, recycle, reproduce it. I had written a blog post based on a prompt …

6 years ago

Mehndipur Balaji Temple For Ghost Hunting

Mehndipur Balaji Temple is located in Dausa district of Rajesthan. This temple is known for exorcism to get rid of evil spirits and black magic.

சந்தைக்குப் போகலாமா?

சந்தைக்கு போகலாமா? கீதா ரங்கனின்  'நானும் சந்தைக்கு போனேன்' பதிவை படித்ததும் என்னுடைய சந்தை அனுபவங்களையும் எழுதலாமே என்று தோன்றியது. ...

Malavika Rajesh
6 years ago

Happy New Year!

Another year passes by and I cannot but ponder that how miraculously we have all remain the same by repeating the year before. Sure, we did grew a year older and wiser(?). We may have loved, create…

6 years ago

Top 15 Haunted Places in Delhi

Find the top 15 haunted places in Delhi. USP of this article is that I am the only author on the internet who actually visited these places and shoot.

I, a Shadow of Great Raj Kapur Ji !

Yes becoming a shadow of somebody else is not an easy job, though we often say that this person is a  shadow of him! So I am writing on the prompt- Imagine you are someone’s shadow for a day. We fi…

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