Not just pasta, a little bit of Italy :)

Del Monte: Blog your way to Italy

For me, food is an integral part of the place, its people and its culture. Any civilization evolves slowly with things borrowed and dropped, remembered and forgotten, added and deleted. Languages, symbols, gestures, all of them slowly add up to what we see today in any culture or community. Food is not much different.

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Author: Astha from Bangalore


Saket Kalikar

Saket Kalikar

4:16 PM, Thursday 20 August, 2015
Prep time 2 minutes? Congrats.
I took 2 days to prepare mine :)


4:38 AM, Monday 31 August, 2015
Hahaha! thanks Saket! Well, I believe that cooking should not be like a project, it should be a breeze :))
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