Does society play a important role in our life ? What's your view ?
AN OPEN HEART 'HELLO' MANY TIMES, ... - An old Post written for BlogAdda WOW but the core message therein sure fits for the IndiSpire Prompt of this week, the Post being edited, modified and presented accordingly!58
Alcohol, Bollywood Movies And Society - Society plays key roles in our real and reel-life. Some examples with the help of alcohol & Bollywood movies :)73
Others and I - Like it or not, we can’t live a normal life without society. We depend on a lot of people for a lot of things. My food comes from other people, my dress does, most of the things that I cannot do...56
Society and its Importance - Society and its Importance. The Pros and Cons of Society. Society plays and important role in Developing the human race.29