widget of indie networked blog

I feel it would be great if indie provided a widget of networked blogs on indie, like facebok, google etc. have done. 

one could add it on his blog as a show off, 

what say friends?

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from Mumbai
13 years ago
Good idea Pramod ji. + 1 for the idea:)

thanks arti ji, for seconding the motion

this would prompt many to add more indies on their list..

from Mumbai
13 years ago

Yes, Pramodji, the idea is really good :)

But the whole exercise of adding people to network does not carry much of weight as of now... first if we could get some significant modifications done to the working of the whole network concept.. then this idea of yours will surely be a rocker! What do you think?

I feel if indie could design something dazzling type including rank too, with indie logo. With gravataar of indies moving in the box, would attract a massive influx.

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