Friends 34: The Contest Page: Congratulations to the five winners
First position goes to Artiof My Yatra Diary
Second position goes to DS of Cricket Wise
Third position goes to Santosh BS of Huchchara Santhe
The lucky winners are
Pramod Lohia of Marriage Book and My musings
The excel sheet of the scores can be downloaded from here:
Post only your answers as replies. Do not post anything irrelavant. Read this thread completely before making any replies. You may use the thread here for general discussions. (Ignore rule. You are now free to post main replies to this thread)
'Friends 34' as the name implies is a contest to inculcate a feeling of friendship among the IndiBloggers using the power of contests, being organised by A light hearted talk. The contest is designed in such a way that both speed and logical reasoning are required to emerge as the final winner. In order to avoid a rat's race, a few parts of the contest offer points to every participant of the contest, how much ever late they may be provided that they have provided a satisfactory answer.. In all other cases, the first person to answer the question correctly is credited with points.
The contest spreads over a period of 34 days during which sets of questions will be asked at regular intervals, each set revolving around a particular theme. The questions may fall into any one of these categories: quiz, opinion, puzzle, logical interpretation or fun based questions. Each question carried a fixed number of points. The procedure of allotment of points to a particular question will be specified along with the question. The contestants who accumulate the maximum number of points towards the end of the contest will be declared as the winners.
The contest is being organised by myself (Ranjith) of A light hearted talk
Prizes and Sponsorers
The first three winners will receive a copy each of the story book 'I'm not twenty four..... I've been nineteen for five years' written by Sachin Garg. The author is a member of the IndiBlogger community and he himself is sponsoring the book.
The first winner in addition to the book mentioned above will be presented with the following:
- Ad space on A light hearted talk and on Mayur's blog
- Virtual certificate of appreciation
- A chance to show his/her best blog posts to the IndiBloggers
How to participate
This thread is the main contest page of 'Friends 34'. Questions would be posted as replies along with necessary instructions. You answer must be given as a sub reply. (a reply to the reply). You can comment about individual questions by posting it as a sub reply to the question. Do not post any main replies. If done so, you will be penalised with a reduction of your score.
Reason: update
Question Set 7:
Theme: Your opinion about this contest
Each question in this set carries a maximum of 20 points and the questions can be answered by everyone.
Question 1:
How would you rate this contest on a scale of one to ten? Give details of the same.
This question carries a maximum of 20 points and the question can be answered by everyone.
Good: got people interested
Bad: Didn't follow through well
Ugly: The questions are somewhat pointless or surprisingly unrelated to blogging (eg 1: name a blogger with name starting with s or g and with 7 letters... eg 2: why were you born... many such examples)
Topics are varied but irrational ( a few unanswered questions point this out)
Not many people participating ( I see only a few of us here) which means the contest is not exciting
Simple and good but how no idea on how would the evaluation be done?
@ Arti That's true. The participation was too low. I accept that thing. Coming to replying to new replies quickly, I wasn't really free. People simply think that I am. :-) The main problem I experienced as accessing a computer. I did not have a laptop then, which I expected to receive before the start of the contest. There was some problem regarding shipping it. I really had a difficult time even posting the question. Even the net connection in our computer centres would be down when I really need it teh most.
@ Pramod I ahve thought of continuing with those kind of questions........
@ Rumbaho I don't accept taht what you feel as ugly is really ugly. But, still it's your opinion and you can surely voice it.
@ Santosh If possible, I will try to give the reason behind the points I will be giving to the answers.
@ Arti @ Pramod @ Rumbaho @ Santosh
Credited with 20 points each
Question 2:
If you were given the chance to ask any seven question, what would they be?
This question carries a maximum of 34 points and the question can be answered by everyone.
1. What is the real point of this thread?
2. Can this thread be considered shameless self promotion?
3. Do the admins of this blog feel that such a thread is helping the IB community?
4. Why the life and spirituality related questions in a blogging forum Q&A contest? (I am ignoring the "friends" related questions since the contest itself is named Friends 34, so I guess friendship related questions can be excused)
5. Are the answers going to be used in any way?
6. Why would anyone answer some very personal questions asked here in this contest?
7. How do you decide the points given to answers where the question has multiple answers and wherever points are given based on content?
I second
@ Rumbaho The question wasn't complete. The actual question is 'If this contest is conducted again, what seven questions would you ask?"
@ Santosh You weren't ask to express your support towards one side but to state the seven questions that you would be asking.
@ Rumbaho
Here are the answers to those questions posed by you
1. Read the main thraed of this contest
2. It depends on how you take it
4. Nowhere was it mentioned that only blogging related questions would be asked
5. Definitely
6. It is upon the participant
7. It would depends on the first impressions that the answer would receive.
@ Rumbaho 14 points
The question was different from what you have interpreted it to be.
Question 3:
What suggestions would you give if this contest will be held again in the future?
This question carries a maximum of 20 points and the question can be answered by everyone.
answer's hidden attributes, so that multiple people get to answer,
Stick to blogging related questions. Keep it simple. No questions that require long answers or any explanations. No personal questions. Nothing spiritual.
Hold the contest on your blog and if it is endorsed by IB admins and acceptable as per IB rules, then ask them to invite contestants.
Contest with few participants is surely a dud show. Invite more!
Keep it related to blogging (about tips, tricks, apps)
Should be able to convey few tips / tricks through the contest (Oh! I was not aware this could be done...)
Make it more simple and Interesting
@ Arti I have given the reason for it somewhere on teh forum. Hope that everyone can understand it. :-)
@ DS I should have done that. (inviting participants) I have done it only towards the end.
And regarding replying to answers, the cnditions prevailing then did not allow me to do it. And even now, it's already 11:30 and there's a lot of work to be done, including going to bed. :-)
@ Pramod @ Rumbaho @ Santosh @ Arti @ DS
Credited with 20 points each
That's not a problem. You can make direct repliues now. The rule was enforced so that I would not face any difficulty while evaluating answers
Evaluation Completed!
The results will be declared on the 23rd of this month
But you were using an excel sheet, right? You should be knowing the winner
I hate all this suspense that comes with evaluations
@Arti - You, Ranjith, me and all others know who would be the winner right (hint: one who is getting grace marks ) then why cry
@Ranjith - please don't prove me wrong...
@Santosh Grace or no grace - Marks are marks after all and welcome in any form In fact grace marks should carry more value since so much more efforts goes in earning them
And Now that a tough competitor is out of the game, I think I better get back to Congrats Santosh
@Ranjith I stopped calculating once you told me you were using those sheets and trusted you for that :P
Ya... OMG! somebody is celebrating already
@Santosh Only celebrating.. nah.. say jumping with joy All credits to some great people out here
@Ranjith That's one of the things that form the base of friendship, isnt it? :)
The name of the third winner will be declared on 20th, the name on the second winner on 21st and the first winner on 22nd.
.... And a surprise on 23rd
Keep watching this space
The third position goes to
Santosh BS (Total Score: 443)
congratulates you!
The second winner will be declared tomorrow.
Do have a look at this winner's blog here: Huchchara Santhe
congrats, Santosh, cheers, this calls for a party,
I'm surprised, I thought I was the surprise winner (just joking people)
Thanks a lot for the support. I had no intention of winning, just wanted to take part and reading all those replies gives an insight in to the different thoughts and thinking of different people
Thanks Ranjith, DS, Pramod - lets sure celebrate! (but not until the next 2 of you join me )
The logo looks a bit like the ambigrams of the dan brown novel Angels and Demons!!
What a wonderfully trendy logo! you made it, Ranjith?
Congrats Santosh, I completely agree winning is secondary but it has been quite fun here!
thanks Arti... your turn will come very soon :)
Thank you, Arti.
Yes, it was made by me. Actually, it wasn't made for this contest. Some few days back, I was all alone and had nothing to do which made me take out a piece of paper and scribble whatever my hand wanted to do so and thiss was just a part of that original creation.
@Ranjith Great! You are one bundle of talent! Good work :)
Btw, does the first winner get a new logo, an exclusive one
the winner, till declared as a winner needs to keep quiet... demanding things even before felicitation! love the democratic rights
Yup @ Santosh, one must be humble
And caring too, she should have asked for us too
haha.. guys are teaming up! *cough cough* *cough cough* I can sense a hell lot of smoke here
See, I am demanding something for the first winner, not yet known...officially... right Now where else will you get a more humble and caring friend than me
Whatta reply... Arti, what humbleness and care shown after two of us are out of the race
@DS - don't fall for the bait buddy, 'teamwork' works
@ Arti Thank you.
The logo is for the contest and not the winner. It was put up a bit late (.... sorry, too late )
The second position goes to
DS of Cricket Wise (Total Score 460)
congratulates you!
The first winner and the 'SURPRISE' will be declared tomorrow.
Congrats DS :)
and hope my other guesses are also right tomorrow!
@ Santosh
If you had defined friendship in 34 words you would have beaten me easily... That was worth 100 pioints!!!!
Np DS, you guys winning also makes me happy
I was a late entrant and from there took part in whatever i found interesting!
yes, 'Same to you' Arti
thanks Abhi!
Cannot agree more... It's been fun pulling all legs and hair
@ DS Hope so in the future....
after three years or much later than that...
@ DS That was just a coincidence. I like using teh numbers 3, 4 and 7 often, that is why I have said three yaers later
A small change. Both the first winner and the SURPRISE will be declared on the 23rd and not 22nd as stated earlier. The excel sheet of the points will also be uploaded on the same day.
For some reason, I want that winner and those lucky surprises to be declared on 23rd itself, a memorable day in my life...
Ah! just saw the reply in time...
something's cooking Ranjith
Ranjith, you are watching too many reality shows these days or what? The wait just keeps getting longer..
And what memorable day? Is it your birthday? ..What surprise? I seriously hate all this suspense
lets see who gets the booty,
congrats Arti
when u get grace marks, obviously beating us won't be so tough, right guys
Thanks Santosh
Yes, grace marks are a real boon, ask me! Too too bad you people cudnt get that too
Anyways, the humble and caring friend that I am, wud love to share my tips on how to score grace marks and pass out wid flying colors with you guys,
..... at discounted rates Feel free to drop a msg on it
good one Arti!
we are ANNA! We don't accept nor give bribes
and we all know how humble and caring you are
Here are the surprise or the lucky winners
Pramod Lohia of Marriage Book and My musings
congratulates both of you!
Congrats Pramodji and CAT Mentor ... good w, well doneork Ranjith, a contest very well organized :-)
oops sorry for the typo!
*good work Ranjith, a contest very well organized, well done! :-)
congrats pramod and cat mentor and thanks to Ranjith too...
@ Arti Thank you
There is no need for a sorry in that typo error after congragulating me
The prizes to be given to the five winners will be the three story books, as stated earlier and two shocking pens. I know that the prizes have a very low value but still that is the maximum I can give, atleast for now. Hope for a better thing the next time.
First Arti will get a chance to select her gift, then you followed by Santosh, then Pramod and then CAT Mentor.
@Ranjith Prizes in any value, I dont mind as long as they are free And I get to lay my hands first, Toooo Gooood!!!!
Hmmm... Although I would love to have the book but since I have a lot of unread books lying in my closet and I have recvd my crossword coupon too.. I think I will go with the pen, is that fine?
hey , sorry, this auto star module is irritating, j h a t a k a, ka kya haal bana diya
congrats arti, well done !
PLji and cat mentor, congratulations to you as well !
@ds, congrats on winning ur first indi contest. (read your entry for qvendo as well, all the best :P)
The excel sheet of the scores can be downloaded from here:
Surprised surprisd totally surprised with such a sweet surprise!
I m so glad to be the lucky winner!!!
Thanks a lot Ranjith ......Wasn't expecting it at all
Thanks all for your wishes!!!!
Got my prize ' 'I'm not twenty four..... I've been nineteen for five years' book and had to literally pull myself from stopping to read it...
I'm an occasional reader and I could not pull myself away before completing reading the book in and out at one stretch.
The story line was gripping and as inspired by real incidents was very captivating as well inspiring to read :) (and finally I could figure out the steet major from Toranagallu)!
Thanks to you and Sachin Garg
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