Friends 34: The Contest Page: Congratulations to the five winners

from hyderabad
13 years ago

First position goes to Artiof My Yatra Diary  

Second position goes to DS of Cricket Wise

Third position goes to Santosh BS of Huchchara Santhe

The lucky winners are 

Pramod Lohia of Marriage Book and My musings

 CAT Mentor of CAT Preparation


The excel sheet of the scores can be downloaded from here:

Post only your answers as replies. Do not post anything irrelavant. Read this thread completely before making any replies. You may use the thread here for general discussions. (Ignore rule. You are now free to post main replies to this thread)

'Friends 34' as the name implies is a contest to inculcate a feeling of friendship among the IndiBloggers using the power of contests, being organised by A light hearted talk. The contest is designed in such a way that both speed and logical reasoning are required to emerge as the final winner. In order to avoid a rat's race, a few parts of the contest offer points to every participant of the contest, how much ever late they may be provided that they have provided a satisfactory answer.. In all other cases, the first person to answer the question correctly is credited with points.

The contest spreads over a period of 34 days during which sets of questions will be asked at regular intervals, each set revolving around a particular theme. The questions may fall into any one of these categories: quiz, opinion, puzzle, logical interpretation or fun based questions. Each question carried a fixed number of points. The procedure of allotment of points to a particular question will be specified along with the question. The contestants who accumulate the maximum number of points towards the end of the contest will be declared as the winners.


The contest is being organised by myself (Ranjith) of A light hearted talk

Prizes and Sponsorers

The first three winners will receive a copy each of the story book 'I'm not twenty four..... I've been nineteen for five years' written by Sachin Garg. The author is a member of the IndiBlogger community and he himself is sponsoring the book.

The first winner in addition to the book mentioned above will be presented with the following:

  • Ad space on A light hearted talk and on Mayur's blog
  • Virtual certificate of appreciation
  • A chance to show his/her best blog posts to the IndiBloggers

How to participate

This thread is the main contest page of 'Friends 34'. Questions would be posted as replies along with necessary instructions. You answer must be given as a sub reply. (a reply to the reply). You can comment about individual questions by posting it as a sub reply to the question. Do not post any main replies. If done so, you will be penalised with a reduction of your score.

Edited 13 years ago
Reason: update
Replies 21 to 40 of 56 Descending
from pune
13 years ago

Blogger has template editor feature while wordpress provides that only in paid version. 

hope i am right :P

from hyderabad
13 years ago

Thanks for your participation but please give your replies as a sub reply as the others are doing.

from hyderabad
13 years ago

--- No more replies to be made to this reply ---

from hyderabad
13 years ago


@ hatim Credited with 10 points

from hyderabad
13 years ago

Question Set 4

Theme: Opinions about Blogging

Instructions: Each question carries a maximum of 20 points. Everyone who answer the questions  will be credited with points. The end date for these questions is the end date of teh contest itself.

from hyderabad
13 years ago

@ Santosh Reality in the virtual life :-)

from hyderabad
13 years ago

Ignore above reply

from hyderabad
13 years ago

Question 1:

Comment on the following statement:

Blogging is just another virtual world that cannot be compared to real life.

from hyderabad
13 years ago


Every one of you can answer this question before the end of the contest. You will be credited with upto 20 points depending on the answer given by you. Post your answer as a reply to this reply i.e as a subreply.

very true, it is uncomparable. It is growing with leaps and bounds but will be limited but  real world  infinite ideas abound ,with capacity of zillions  of such and better  virtual worlds to come up.

from hyderabad
13 years ago

The world is in a transition from a real world to a  virtual world. Ideas are abundant and one such idea has given rise to the blogosphere that is today the cause for the creationof a zillion virtual worlds.

from Mumbai
13 years ago
Blogging is indeed a virtual medium but it is a very unique way to express yourself and also you can meet up with lots of Bloggers who happen to be in your area.
CAT Mentor
from Bangalore
13 years ago

Blogging cannot be compared to real world because people express whatever they want people to know and can easily conceal whatever they don't want people to know about them. Whereas in reality though its possible to conceal facts, but its not so easy. 


Santosh BS
from Bangalore
13 years ago

Yes, blogging is another virtual world filled with real people and real life scenarios and experiences. So it does definitely have a relation to real life ( and this depends on the topics you choose...)!

from Mumbai
13 years ago

True, there exists a thin line separating the two. And there are positive and negative points on either side of the line in favour of each of them. One good point of this virtual world called Blogging is that it helps us bridge distance gaps and reach out to people whom we may otherwise miss out in the real world.

from hyderabad
13 years ago

@ DS Yes, the virtual medium offers a greater number of relations than what the real world offers!

from hyderabad
13 years ago

@ CAT Mentor A very good point! Feelings are something which many have tried to conceal since ages but have also failed to do so. I have written a blog post about the same on my virtual space.

from hyderabad
13 years ago

@ Santosh Reality in the virtual life :-)

from hyderabad
13 years ago

@ Arti Yes, blogging helps us to connect with people from different parts of the world and at times it may also help us to connect even with those with whom in real life we maintain not a very good relation. Smile

from hyderabad
13 years ago


@ Pramod @DS @ Cat @santosh @ Arti All of you are credited with 20 points each

from hyderabad
13 years ago

Question 2:

What did you learn through blogging and how has blogging impacted your life?

from hyderabad
13 years ago


Every one of you can answer this question before the end of the contest. You will be credited with upto 20 points depending on the answer given by you. Post your answer as a reply to this reply i.e as a subreply.

from Mumbai
13 years ago
I have learnt that patience is required for anything to succeed. Nothing gains popularity overnight, it requires hard work and dedication. I see the world in a very different way after seeing so many wonderful Bloggers who are so humble in their talk Eg. Arti and Pramod ji on Indiblogger...
CAT Mentor
from Bangalore
13 years ago

Learned importance of being regular & to constantly strive for betterment. Have learnt values of sharing, learning from others and respecting others thoughts.

Santosh BS
from Bangalore
13 years ago

Seeing life through different views and perspectives, its amazing :)

from Mumbai
13 years ago

Believe in yourself, respect others viewpoints, never be judgemental bcoz things can be quite different than what its appearing to you and keep yourself humble enough so that there is always room for taking things in and moving forward!

from hyderabad
13 years ago

@ DS Patience is what one needs to succeed in the blogosphere. While at times, out destiny brings success faster than expected; at other times, it may take years together!

from hyderabad
13 years ago

@ CAT Mentor All the things learnt by you are essential to become a successful blogger! Best of luck!

from hyderabad
13 years ago

@ Santosh That is what we need to learn in our real life too: Being able to understand things from different perspectives and from others view points.

from hyderabad
13 years ago

@ Arti Respecting others viewpoints is essential and one can learn it even on IndiBlogger Smile

from hyderabad
13 years ago


@ DS 20 points

from hyderabad
13 years ago


@ Santosh @ CAT @ Arti 10 points

10 points deducted for not answering the second part of the question

from Mumbai
13 years ago

 FrownFrownFrown (one from each of us @Myself,@Santosh and @CAT :P)

from Mumbai
13 years ago
Thanks :)
from hyderabad
13 years ago

Question 3:

What made you walk along with millions of other bloggers in the world?

from hyderabad
13 years ago


Every one of you can answer this question before the end of the contest. You will be credited with upto 20 points depending on the answer given by you. Post your answer as a reply to this reply i.e as a subreply.

inner zeal to express, and be heard. 

from hyderabad
13 years ago

@ Pramod Almost a similar thing here but the only difference is that it is not the zeal but the depression arising from the afct that I might not have anybody to listen to me in the future.

There was a song I learnt first ad a child, it was "when you are happy and you know it , clap your hands , clap clap" So one always looks to express & share his happiness too, and blogging has come up as a boon, and he instantly jots down.
When you are happy and you know it and you really want to show it , clap your hands, clap, clap,
Now the koan seems to have become, when you are happy and you know it, and you really wanna show it, BLOG, BLOG.
from Mumbai
13 years ago

To share, express, learn, grow and use my free time more effectively

from Mumbai
13 years ago
To share my views on Cricket and to learn from them:)
Santosh BS
from Bangalore
13 years ago

to share, to see, to learn, all work with no play is dull! 

from hyderabad
13 years ago

@ Pramod That is what I am into right now! Smile

from hyderabad
13 years ago

@ Arti I envy those have lots and lots of free time. :-) I wonder if I am really busy or I think in that way!

from hyderabad
13 years ago

@ DS A cricket fan is bound to give the answer given by you :-)

from hyderabad
13 years ago

@ Santosh Ready for a game of cricket with DS? Smile

Santosh BS
from Bangalore
13 years ago

@ Ranjith, Oh sure!, but I would prefer being a commentator or a spectator Wink

from Mumbai
13 years ago

Hey, me too! But I would love to bat only :D

from hyderabad
13 years ago

I am also in the game but as a spectator since that is the only thing I an capable of doing. Smile

from hyderabad
13 years ago

@ Arti Do you play cricket? Innocent

from Mumbai
13 years ago
Ok! So Arti will bat, I will bowl and field, Ranjith will be the spectator and Santosh will give commentary!!:)
Santosh BS
from Bangalore
13 years ago

@DS, thats great :) So would you york her or bounce her off? Laughing

from hyderabad
13 years ago


@ Pramod 20 points The second part of your answer was wonderful, the way we show our happiness to others in this modern world.

from hyderabad
13 years ago


@ Arti @ DS @ Santosh 17 points each

Points given by comparing your answers to that of Pramod's

from Mumbai
13 years ago

If you are comparing, then I think our marks are very high :) well said Pramodji, thereis always so much to learn from you :)

from hyderabad
13 years ago

Question 4:

How can we strengthen our relationships with other bloggers? Were you successful in doing so?

from hyderabad
13 years ago


Every one of you can answer this question before the end of the contest. You will be credited with upto 20 points depending on the answer given by you. Post your answer as a reply to this reply i.e as a subreply.

One can strengthen and start new acquaintances by finding their positive traits and acknowledging them without shyness. visiting, reading their write-ups and pointing, friendly if anything objectionable ,you consider should be changed & patting on the back, on commendable works.

from hyderabad
13 years ago

@ Pramod That was a very good way stated to eastablish new relations. After all, it is the accquaintances that we make that really measures our success in teh blogosphere.

CAT Mentor
from Bangalore
13 years ago

By sharing ideas and suggesting new things to each other, with a motto as if you grow, I grow.

Whenever I have helped or suggested something good to other bloggers, I have seen them helping me as well in return with amazing suggestions.

Santosh BS
from Bangalore
13 years ago

Nobody wants salt, all of them want sugar! Its up to you how you add that pinch of salt in a teaspoon of sugar and give it to them. My success rate has been good so far with positive vibes from all!

from Mumbai
13 years ago

Honesty! True to your blogger frienz and to yourself as well! Though I cant say it has been the case always but I stick to it as much as I can.

from Mumbai
13 years ago
See others plus points, your own negative points. Never underestimate the readers, true ones are like gold.
from hyderabad
13 years ago

@ CAT That is how the world moves on.... the world of blogging...

from hyderabad
13 years ago

@ Santosh Too much creativity :-)

from hyderabad
13 years ago

@ Arti Honesty is the best policy... I remember those lines. I wish the entire world was really honest in all their dealings. To be honest, I am not really honest Smile

from hyderabad
13 years ago

@ DS That is way to improve oneself. We need to imbibe those good qualities that others possess and leave the bad ones behind.

from Mumbai
13 years ago

@Ranjith Now thats one honest answer I say! Anyways, Really nice to see those cute smileys back on the forum SmileSmile

from hyderabad
13 years ago

@ Arti Fell so happy when people around me like me because of my smile. I have received such compliments in my real life too.

from hyderabad
13 years ago

@ Arti Feel so happy when people around me like me because of my smile. I have received such compliments in my real life too. Smile

from hyderabad
13 years ago


@ Pramod @ Santosh @ Arti @ DS @ CAT Each of you credited with 20 points for those wonderful answers given

from hyderabad
13 years ago

Question Set 5

Theme: Confessions

Instructions: Each of the questions in this set carry a maximum of ten points and can be answered by all before the end of the contest

from hyderabad
13 years ago

Question 1:

Who is your most favourite blogger who is a member of the IndiBlogger community? (other than yourself)



from hyderabad
13 years ago


Answer this question and be credited with  ten points. Everyone who answers before the end date of the contest will be credited with points

I do not discriminate, all are equally fav.

from hyderabad
13 years ago

One half of the world ina  apn would balance teh other half in another weighing pan for everyone is equal... :-)
from Hyderabad
13 years ago


CAT Mentor
from Bangalore
13 years ago
Santosh BS
from Bangalore
13 years ago

You're making us discriminate b/w people in contradiction to the previous question Smile

So far in the infancy of my Indiblogging its been Arti and few others are right next on the list.

Anu, Dhiraj...

from Mumbai
13 years ago

^ ^ Thanks so much ^ ^ Smile 

There is not one blogger... There are many many many, the list is just tooooooo long!!!

from Mumbai
13 years ago
from Mumbai
13 years ago
Thanks DS:)
from Mumbai
13 years ago
I am humbled by the responses here.
from Mumbai
13 years ago

...And admiration is mutual Smile

from hyderabad
13 years ago

@ Santosh I never though about it :-)

from hyderabad
13 years ago

@ Arti Congrats! You seem to be very popular and also loved by all on indiBlogger! Smile

from Mumbai
13 years ago

I love everyone here too and all this love here is what keeps me going.. Seeing all this, I am more than flattered actually... Such wonderful people all of you, Thank you friends Smile

from hyderabad
13 years ago


@ Pramod @ Rumbaho @ CAT @ Santosh @ Arti @ DS Credited with 10 points each as stated in the instruction

from hyderabad
13 years ago

Question 2:

Are you faithful to your blog? Explain.


from hyderabad
13 years ago


Answer this question and be credited with  ten points. Everyone who answers before the end date of the contest will be credited with points

I may not be that faithful, but my blog faithfully obliges me by welcoming all to the blog, and taking care of tem in my absence.

from hyderabad
13 years ago

@ pramod Your answer makes me smile :-)

from Mumbai
13 years ago
No, I need to dedicate more time towards it. I get lazy many times.
CAT Mentor
from Bangalore
13 years ago

I am very much faithful & passionate about my blog. Even in my busiest schedule when I don't have much time to post on my blog, I still manage to think some improvement, new idea or a post topic about my blog.

Santosh BS
from Bangalore
13 years ago

Yes definitely. I don't believe faithfulness depends on the no of posts you have. At the back of my mind, thoughts keep running about my blog on how to optimize it better and better.

from Mumbai
13 years ago

Of course! How do you think it's running?!! Else I would have left it long back Wink

from hyderabad
13 years ago

@ DS I think that you need a world cup every month to be faithful to your blog Smile

from hyderabad
13 years ago

@ CAT Mentor that's great!

from hyderabad
13 years ago

@ Santosh That's true. Even our blog likes quality over quantity. One small post dedicated to the purpose of our blog is sufficient rather than a hundred posts that really make no sense and written for the sake of search engines and IndiRank's frequency rank :-)

from hyderabad
13 years ago

@ Arti It's not just running, it's taking huge leaps Smile

from Mumbai
13 years ago

So sweet, Thanks @Ranjith Smile

from Mumbai
13 years ago
You are right Ranjith!!
from hyderabad
13 years ago


@ Pramod 20 points for that welcome your blog has given to me a few times

from hyderabad
13 years ago


@ DS 20 points for that truthful confession

from hyderabad
13 years ago


@ CAT @ Santosh 20 points each for being faithful and with a hope that you will continue to remain so

from hyderabad
13 years ago


Correction: It is 10 points being credited to each one and not 20.

from Mumbai
13 years ago

You forgot me Ranjith, where are my points Cry

from Mumbai
13 years ago
Hehe :) Ranjith thought you have enough points Arti:)
from hyderabad
13 years ago

Question 3:

How would you rate your blog on a scale of one to ten? (ten = best) Also give the reasons for the same.


from hyderabad
13 years ago


Answer this question and be credited with  ten points. Everyone who answers before the end date of the contest will be credited with points

10, because i never underrate my blog. 

from hyderabad
13 years ago

@ Pramod Good Confidence in oneself helps one move forward, be it in life or in blogging.

from mumbai
13 years ago

9, I love my blog but I also know where its flaws lie.

from Mumbai
13 years ago
I will give it 5, I need to dedicate more time to it to make it better and the way I want it to be! There is a long way to go yet.
CAT Mentor
from Bangalore
13 years ago

I would rate it as 7.


My blog has helped many MBA aspirants in realizing their dreams, which gives me lot of satisfaction. Through this blog I have guided & mentored more than 600 MBA aspirants with their queries.

In last 2 months my blog has managed to jump from alexa rank of 6,500,000 to 571,982 which again gives me lot of satisfaction.


Still there are lot of ideas/optimizations in my mind which I am yet to implement hence rating as 7.

Santosh BS
from Bangalore
13 years ago

I would be happy with 7 as I have seen better managed blogs than mine... A couple of niggles need to sorted out that would propel it to probably 8 or 9 shortly.

from Mumbai
13 years ago
I dont know maybe 6 :-S I dont know Seo, dont promote my posts on social media... Many times I feel my template is not good... The list goes on... But one must never stop learning, the day you think you are the best, someone will speed past you, because there are newer things to learn every day:)
from hyderabad
13 years ago

@ abhi Almost close to Pramod :-)

from hyderabad
13 years ago

@ DS I wish that you give yourself a ten out of ten as soon as possible. All the best Smile

from hyderabad
13 years ago

@ CAT Your blog has a very good purpose and the jump in alexa rankings does justify the score you ahve given to your blog and yourself too :-)

from hyderabad
13 years ago

@ Santosh You will definitely achieve it in teh coming few months. All the best! :-)

from hyderabad
13 years ago

@ Arti That's true! Every day brings with it a new lesson to be learnt. But still, I would ay that you deserve a much higher score. Though I am not interested in travel blogs, the reviews by others made me say it. :-)

from hyderabad
13 years ago


@ Pramod 7 points

Though confidence is good, I need a realistic answer would be better. Smile

from hyderabad
13 years ago


@ abhi @ DS @ CAT @ Santosh @ Arti 9 points each


from hyderabad
13 years ago

Questions Set 6

Theme: You, your inner self and spirituality

All the questions falling under this set are opinion based and each question can fetch you a maximum of 30 points depending on the answer given by you. These questions can be answered till the end of the contest.

from hyderabad
13 years ago

Question 1:

What do you think is the purpose of your birth?

from hyderabad
13 years ago


Answering this question will fetch you a maximum of 30 points depending on the answer given by you. This question can be answered by everyone before the end of the contest.


I think the purpose of my birth was to attain and unite inner spiritual force , with the outer spiritual force, one can call it by any name,

from hyderabad
13 years ago

Hope you achieve the purpose of your entry into this world (real)

thanks Ranjith ji, for the nice wishes, 

CAT Mentor
from Bangalore
13 years ago

I think purpose of my birth is to help, support & encourage other needy people keeping my selfishness aside. At times I feel I am not doing 100% justice to the same. 

from Mumbai
13 years ago
The purpose of my (everyones) birth is to evolve into a nice human being. To see God in everyone and be kind and gentle and humble in your life.
from hyderabad
13 years ago

@ CAT That is how the world is moving on. No one can fulfill the purpose of their birth completely. But still, we have to try as much as we can.

from hyderabad
13 years ago

@ Arti For some reason can't accept To see God in everyone I feel that some people are controlled by the evil forces :-)

from hyderabad
13 years ago


@ Pramod 30 points

For including something abouit spirituality. That is what these set of questions are meant to revolve around

from hyderabad
13 years ago


@ CAT 23 points

 I think that it is our duty and cannot be traeted as a purpose. Purpose, I feel, is distinct for every individual.

from hyderabad
13 years ago


@ Arti 29 points

from hyderabad
13 years ago

Question 2:

Why does life try to teach lessons to us even though we reject to learn them? (Idea for this question drawn from a discussion thread on this forum)

from hyderabad
13 years ago


Answering this question will fetch you a maximum of 30 points depending on the answer given by you. This question can be answered by everyone before the end of the contest.

Life showers everything equally on everyone. one may think of it as lesson serving, but it goes on doing endlessly all it's tasks without fail. The breath we take in and out, that too, we should thank  nature, otherwise many would forget to take the in breath or confuse themselves with in and out and pass away. 

Sorrow keeps you human,Failure keeps you humble,Success keeps you glowing, But only God keeps you going.
CAT Mentor
from Bangalore
13 years ago

Life is like a great teacher which tries to impart knowledge to all its disciple's without being unjust. Life wants us to be stronger to face all challenges, thats why it keeps giving us lessons, Even though we reject to learn from them still experience of such lessons makes us stronger and enabling us to cope up with difficult situations.

from Mumbai
13 years ago
Life gives you experiences. With every experience you learn something new, if you refuse to learn then you suffer... Life teaches you many times, so that you can correct your failures and live life in the right way.
from hyderabad
13 years ago

@ Pramod I did not understand what you meant but the last sentence made me smile.

from hyderabad
13 years ago

@ CAT Mentor Yes. life tries to teach us in a hope that we would learn those lessons one day or teh other.

from hyderabad
13 years ago

@ Arti That's true. We need to correct our mistakes and try to lead a better life. Life gives us chances for us to utilise.

Santosh BS
from Bangalore
13 years ago

Life is all about learning lessons either you wish it or not Laughing (you have no choices)

...just like attending lectures in college for attendance (you have no escape routes) Wink

from hyderabad
13 years ago

@ Santosh That was a good analogy Smile

from hyderabad
13 years ago


@ Pramod @ CAT @ Arti 30 points each

Your answers have an indepth meaning which if one can understand be successful in crossing all the hurdles in life by learning those lessons that are repeatedly taught

from hyderabad
13 years ago


@ Santosh 30 points

That answer bought a smile on my afce (and hope on the other's faces too... )

from Mumbai
13 years ago
Good one Santosh:)
from hyderabad
13 years ago

Question 3:

What is God, the creator of the universe so unskilled that he could not craft even one perfect human being till now?

from hyderabad
13 years ago


Answering this question will fetch you a maximum of 30 points depending on the answer given by you. This question can be answered by everyone before the end of the contest.

" God" term in hindi is called "bhagawan"  which literally means a person with a bhaga, (halo). 

when one see's from the deep eyes, one can see, nothing is imperfect, or obsolete. everything originates and reverts back to the godly supreme force.

CAT Mentor
from Bangalore
13 years ago

God is almighty, he is the creator of feelings & emotions which are so amazing & so perfect !

I believe God has left perfection at the will of human being. Its not easy to attain amidst so much of distractions, greed & ego, it's also not impossible to achieve. It could achieved by constantly striving for it and by controlling one's greed, selfishness, anger, ego etc.

from Mumbai
13 years ago
Well God made us perfect, as a child we are pure, with no ill feelings... Even if someone beats a small child, it smiles a few moments later... It is what we become afterwards, which is entirely upto us, that we learn to lie, envy others, become selfish, manipulative, etc...
from hyderabad
13 years ago

@ Pramod Yes, looking through the eyes of the creator, everything might seem perfect. The way things are seen depends on the person seeing them.

from hyderabad
13 years ago

@ CAT Mentor That was an excellent explanation God has created the basic form which we need to nurture to evolve into a complete human being.

from hyderabad
13 years ago

@ Arti That was an other good explanation. As a child, we were perfect and had no ill feelings in our heart. But the society changes us as we grow up. And if we refuse to change, we may become the odd one and feel lonely but still we get a satisfaction that cannot be understood by those who are walking with teh rest of the society.

Santosh BS
from Bangalore
13 years ago

the day a man proclaims he is 'perfect' in all sense, he has nothing else to live for and that's the reason god wantingly left the out of us and has given us the freedom to be as perfect as possible :)

from hyderabad
13 years ago

@ Santosh That's graet! We enjoy something only when we have something left to eb done and so we all do enjoy life Smile

from hyderabad
13 years ago


@ Santosh @ Arti @ CAT @ Pramod 30 points each

from hyderabad
13 years ago

Question 4:

If we, towards the end of our life, get reduced to ashes and take nothing with us except our soul, then what is the need to establish healthy relationships with the people around us?

from hyderabad
13 years ago


Answering this question will fetch you a maximum of 30 points depending on the answer given by you. This question can be answered by everyone before the end of the contest.

In this short span of stay in the body, maintaining healthy relations makes life more peaceful and blissful. spat of anger upon others, harms more to the person carrying it within his mind. Like acid eats away it's container.

CAT Mentor
from Bangalore
13 years ago

Relationship which we build is more or less between our souls and  the soul of other people. In the begining when we meet someone we may feel inclined towards someone based on their appearence but later it's the two souls which decides whether a lasting relationship is formed or not. Healthy Relationship makes our soul happy and keeps it at peace.

from Mumbai
13 years ago
I will give my answer as a quote "When you were born, you cried while everyone laughed, live your life in such a way, that when you die, you laugh and the world cries"... It is possible only when you maintain peace and harmony with everyone.
from hyderabad
13 years ago

@ Pramod That might be what life is all about: living happily until we have the right to live.

from hyderabad
13 years ago

@ CAt mentor Well said! The relationships are between the sould and every holy scripture be it teh Bhagwad Gita or the Bible speaks of teh permanenet existence of the soul.

from hyderabad
13 years ago

@ Arti That was a wonderful quote! Life is all about establishing relationships that wil continue to live even after our death.

Santosh BS
from Bangalore
13 years ago

I'm not sure if this question is framed in the right way?

when we are reduced to ashes and only the soul remains, the identity of 'you' is lost (its in the ashes) and its gets a new identity after its reborn right?

I would second Arti's quote here and your life would be meaningful if you were to have 10 good people around you craving for you when you die and that's possible only if your relationship with them and the world is 'healthy'.

from hyderabad
13 years ago


@ Pramod @ CAT @ Santosh @ Arti 30 points each

Had to accept with all your answers

from hyderabad
13 years ago

Question Set 7

Theme: All about IndiBlogger

Instruction are given along with the questions

from hyderabad
13 years ago

Question 1:

How much are you willing to pay if IndiBlogger is on sale? :-)

from hyderabad
13 years ago


Everyone who answers this question will be credited with 10 points.
from Hyderabad
13 years ago

All the money in my personal savings bank account as on today.

Santosh BS
from Bangalore
13 years ago

'Nothing' as its only a platform for like minded people!

You pay zillion and tomorrow people leave, you are ruined :)

from Mumbai
13 years ago
What are they quoting?
from Mumbai
13 years ago

I wish that day never arrives! I would pay nothing ... the community better die off than go on sale ever coz I think the love that these people (read IndiTeam) put in can be replicated by none! Hence,...

from hyderabad
13 years ago

@ Rumbaho That's great! I wish that you will not face any problems then.

from hyderabad
13 years ago

@ Santosh Even that's true!

from hyderabad
13 years ago

@ DS It looks as if you will be the first one to stand in the queue to take posession of IndiBlogger. Smile

from hyderabad
13 years ago

@ Arti Even I hope for the same. IndiBlogger being on sale would mean that the community is dying.

from Mumbai
13 years ago
Hah:) yes it seems like that only!
from hyderabad
13 years ago


@ Rumbaho 5 points

Couldn't give more after reading the answers given by others

from hyderabad
13 years ago


@ Arti @ Santosh 10 points each

from hyderabad
13 years ago


@ DS 7 points

I wonder if you have answered the question! :-)

from Mumbai
13 years ago
Hehe:) Thanks:)
from hyderabad
13 years ago

Question 2:

With how many IndiBloggers were you able to establish helathy relations? Satte a few of those names.


from hyderabad
13 years ago


Everyone who answers this question will be credited with 10 points.

CAT Mentor
from Bangalore
13 years ago

3 of them I will say:

Ranjith through this contest

Pankaj & Akaash through blog review page.

Santosh BS
from Bangalore
13 years ago

Arti, Anu, Dhiraj, Ambika, Gautam to name a few...

from Mumbai
13 years ago
Arti, Mohini, Pramod ji, Umesh ji, Subhashchy, Abhi...
from Mumbai
13 years ago

With everyone Smile

from hyderabad
13 years ago

@ CAT Mentor Smile

from hyderabad
13 years ago

@ Arti You are very intelligent Smile

Santosh BS
from Bangalore
13 years ago

bingo Ranjith, Smart answer from a smart lady Laughing

from hyderabad
13 years ago


@ CAT @ Santosh @ DS @ Arti 10 points each

from hyderabad
13 years ago


@ CAT @ Santosh @ DS @ Arti 10 points each

from hyderabad
13 years ago

Question 3:

What is the 34th blog that was registered on Indiirectory?


from hyderabad
13 years ago


The first person to answer this question will be credited with 10 points.

cloverr, of madras,
from Hyderabad
13 years ago


from Mumbai
13 years ago

Pramodji is right!

from hyderabad
13 years ago

@ Pramod That's right!

from hyderabad
13 years ago

@ Rumbaho From where did you get that name?

from hyderabad
13 years ago


@ Pramod 10 points

from hyderabad
13 years ago

Question 4:

Name an IndiBlogger whose name starts with 's' or 'g' and has exactly seven letters.


from hyderabad
13 years ago


  Everyone who answer this question will be credited with 20 points. Do not repeat the answer given by others.
from Hyderabad
13 years ago


CAT Mentor
from Bangalore
13 years ago


Santosh BS
from Bangalore
13 years ago

I, me, myself - Santosh


from Mumbai
13 years ago


from Mumbai
13 years ago
from hyderabad
13 years ago


@ Rumbaho @ CAT @ Santosh @ Arti @ DS Credited with 10 points each

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