sonam dembla would like you to review his/her blog.
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pease review my personal blog looking forward for feedback on my blog

sonam dembla
sonam dembla
from lucknow
13 years ago

I get a few moments to myself; a time where I can think, and ramble on inside my head. Here's a blog with all the little thoughts that cross my mind. Words that make you smile,moments you cherish and steps you never forget .All these come along when you lead a life .

Blink -o-thought is waiting for you to blink an eye on it and is ready to give back a teasing wink ;) So what you waiting for !!!!!! 

Replies 1 to 4 of 4
Pratik Thorat
Pratik Thorat
from Kalyan
13 years ago

Nice blog sonam just expressing yourself.

you can add a Read More in post which saves your length and decreases load time.

Pratik Thorat

Review My Blog if you get time.

from Noida
13 years ago

Hey, I love reviewing.

I'll start with the negatives so that i can end on a nice note.

  • Please have a email subscription widget near the top of your sidebar. It's very essential.
  • You background makes the text very hard to read at times so please change either the backdrop or choose a colour which is visible in all parts of ur backdrop.
  • As pratik rightly said, reduce the size of the posts and add the read more option, it would make page loading easier and faster.
  • If you wish to, add a page about yourself, it makes your readers feel a personal connection not just with the blog, but also with you.
  • Your page views widget isn't showing a number at all (I don't know if it's something only i am facing or your other readers too)

Now to the good things:

  • You write exceptionally well. That's the strongest part.
  • Your blog is clean (not cluttered).
  • You have a really cute blog picture. :)
  • You have a really nice backdrop, in itself, but do see to the issue I pointed out.


Hope I was of help. :)

sonam dembla
sonam dembla
from lucknow
13 years ago

Thanks Janhvi !! I was thriving on feedback here . and im happy to see such an extensive one. Its definitely of gr8 help . Ill surely work upon the negatives . Thanks for your time once again. 


Aditya Singh
Aditya Singh
from Mumbai
13 years ago

AWESOME CONTENTNOSTALGIC BACKGROUND (i had the same as my 1st background...but later started experimenting with new backgrounds :P) however, would like to advice you to try something else coz this doesn't appear to be the PERFECT fit for your blog. its good, but not perfect....somethings not okay about it :( your readers seem to be on a very respectable count. (so you don't need much publicizing....) Your blog post are a little too long (that would be a straight No-No for readers like me :P)  keep blogging and keep smiling (just like tat smilie in your title-pic)And review my blog too.....:P