Tell us why you didn't vote

It is election time. Voting in some parts of the country begins today. You didn't vote though (or wouldn't vote, if the polling date for your area is slotted for later).

Tell us why.

Edited 15 years ago
Reason: spelling
Replies 1 to 5 of 5 Ascending
from Hyderabad / Pilani
15 years ago

Even i am not voting this time because of travels.. I will be going for internship away from this place in about 3 months, and next year I might have to go somewhere else for a job.. Once I settle down in one place, Im sure getting a voter card will be the first on my list.. Definitely gonna vote in the next elections..

Great Kadambari, I am sure you will keep your word.

That's the spirit Adesh. But if you register your name in the local voting list, you can just walk to the nearby polling booth and vote.

Check this out so that next time you can vote with less hassle.

Hi Kadambari, you do take care to keep your passport or your driving licence up to date, don't you, and will go to any length of effort to see to it that they are always valid.

There are set procedures to register yourself in your polling area. You only have to approach your polling officer and get your name added to the voting list of the new area you are in.

The election commission also organizes mobile grievence vans for adding your name to the local voting list. Do check with your polling officer for this.

Democracy comes with a responsibility. We must go that extra mile to make it a success.

Do add your name to the voting list the first thing when you move to a new area, so that you can exercise your voting power next time.

Adesh Sidhu
Adesh Sidhu
from Gurgaon
15 years ago

Travelling 300 kilometers on a working day makes little dfficult to exercise this right but so far I am determined to use my Right to Vote.

Voting is on May 7 and lets hope I do this time too like I did last time.

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