How do u make sure dat people dont get offended by wat u write?

Have you ever written something intended to make people smile, but it turned out to do the opposite? I write humor posts (which is definitely not intended to make people hate me). I recently wrote a post "How the lazy reader was frustrated by Potter, angered by Twilight & mocked because of Chetan Baghat". Everybody I knew liked the post, but there was this one person who got hurt reading it. Sigh, I wrote it in the most neutral way possible. She must have really hated me because she even took the pain to unfollow me. I dont want to offend anybody when I write. How do you make sure that people get the right message and dont get offended by what you write?


Do check out my blog :)

Edited 13 years ago
Reason: Long Topic Title gets cutoff in the forum when I post it.
Replies 1 to 9 of 9 Ascending
Kristy Kumari
Kristy Kumari
from Amritsar
13 years ago

I have to laugh a little every time I see the name of your blog too. It makes it even more funny. If you're looking for an article to recap sometime and put a funny twist on, check this out.


lol awesome :D :D love it ^

Kristy Kumari
Kristy Kumari
from Amritsar
13 years ago

You already have a lot of good feedback on this but I would like to add that it's entirely possible she had a bad day or something else was going on. I doubt she unfriended you over that one post, her emotions were likely exaggerated. There had to be something else going on in her life and mind. Everyone else is right, your blog is your world and unless you say something to be mean then you're doing fine. There's always going to be someone who doesn't agree or find it funny. A lot has to do with cultural differences and we know how diverse India is.

Yes she probably had a bad day I guess, but the cultural differences doesnt influence the way we see a western movie :) It felt bad when she reacted that way then because though I had people who thought my posts were boring before, there was no time when they have actually hated my post. So because it was the first time I got something like that, I felt a little bad. :)

from Sharjah
13 years ago

u can be successful or you can be mit guy told me this and being a mitian his words needs to be put in a book and worshipped...or so it is believed..worrying abt what the listener will hear, or how a reader will interpret or how the work will be seen, is a sure way of becoming crippling in ur writings...u just cant create with the population in mind...actually u can...but then u are actually whoring..but thats ok if u r ok with it...i mean people do it all the there must be something to it...even making an effort to offend belongs to the same category...becoz u r still wrting for a readership...

appreciation or any feedback is a side effect...not the complete reason why sometimes we i think, its a waste of time worrying abt what effort u shud take not to offend people..u win some , u lose some...look at the + u get to have a lot of us reading ur post to see wht ticked this lady off...

haha lol that is by far the best advice I ever got. I will keep that in mind dude. I want to be successful and not popular I guess :)

from Bangalore
13 years ago

thrz tht sayin - "the secret to success is still but a secret but the secret to failure is to try to please everyone".

So, really dnt bother bout tht one offended person whn u did make a lot of the others happy (including urself :))

And if he still gets pissed, u cud use my blogname ....


haha thats awesome dude :D. Lol but does google classify your blog as adult site by any chance :D?

from Mumbai
13 years ago

No one is perfect and people will find out ways to find faults in you and your writings. Write for yourself. If someone understands, well and good. if not, dont bother and go on doing what you love your way.

I have been learing to do just that. I felt bad for the person who got hurt because I thought everyone who read my blog will smile lol. But now i learnt that there are two sides to everything :)

Aditya Kumar Nayak
Aditya Kumar Nayak
from New Delhi
13 years ago

Agree with Abhishek. Don't worry about them.I write what I feel like and dont care about offending ppl. Although, I do value my readers, I do realise that they come to my blog for the very same reason. I am not politically correct. 

Yeah, I have been blogging only for the past couple of months now and I dint want to offend people. But I guess no matter how much I try not to offend, I will always end up offending people who completely lack a sense of humor. Thanks for the advice man. :)

Abhishek Sinha
Abhishek Sinha
from Bangalore
13 years ago

I don't. I just write so that some people get offended :)

I guess you will have no problems then :D

Lol the disclaimer dint work in my case :)

umesh derebail
umesh derebail
from Mumbai
13 years ago

You cannot satisfy everybody when you write, it is but natural you might hurt the feelings of a sensitive person or a fan of celebrity writer or personality.  In such cases a disclaimer clause below your post should do the trick in normal course.

Disclaimer ; This article is purely a research, or treatise on the subject matter, it does not intend to insult, defame or downgrade any individual or organisation.


Mohini Puranik
from Dhule
13 years ago

Really true +1 Umeshji

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