Do the terrorist have human rights?

from jabalpur
16 years ago

Terrorists do not care for the human rights of any common person or any VIP. they do not honour constitutionally established law and order or political system.

Anyone who do not have any regard for the freedom and rights of others gets punished by the police and law. then why the terrorists should not be dealt in the same manner as they deal with others.

What is the sense in getting the terrorists trialed as it provides them an oppaortunity to escape or to bargain with or blackmail the govt.

Replies 1 to 9 of 9 Ascending
Anoop Zombie
Anoop Zombie
from Bangalore
16 years ago

@ Venu : " The law is good , the execution is not" - awesome quote.. somehow I was under the impression that we did not have clear laws on how to handle these emergencies.. but as they say.. who thunk it??


@ Ves21 : yes! And the nerve of Pakistan to dismiss the evidence provided as informational!! what gyps!!!

Venu Vedam
Venu Vedam
from Hyderabad
16 years ago

The point is: How do you know that the person you have picked up is a terrorist? There has to be a mechanism to validate this. Right? That is where the law of the land comes in. 

Unfortunately in India, the law takes its own sweet time to come to a conclusion. That's the problem. 

The law is good. The execution is not. 

Renie Ravin
Renie Ravin
from Chennai
16 years ago

What frustrates me the most right now is that our country is still looking for approval from the US. Why do we need to prove to the world that we are the victim? We have the right to defend ourselves - we should have retaliated by now.

India is acting like a little boy - "Mommy, Appu hit me and it's paining Frown. Waah!!"

Why do we care what they think, especially after the Iraq fiasco where the "weapons of mass destruction" turned out to be either homemade or orginating from the US itself?

from jabalpur
16 years ago

''Justice delayed justice denied' is an established principal of law. If a terrorist is not punished just after the crime, his moral ches the sky. The immediate punishment alarms others to be away from terrorism. In Islam the principle of hand for hand & head for head also says the same. Then why are we waiting for the trials? In the case of

from Bangalore
16 years ago

Terrorists don't deserve any mercy. Mercy is for those who give it to others.

Care to take a Look?

Anoop Zombie
Anoop Zombie
from Bangalore
16 years ago

yup terrorists should be terrified of us not the other way around!

from jabalpur
16 years ago

The provision of judicial proceedings is made for those citizens who believe in law and order. As soon as a person breaks law & order he loose the right of legal protection and make himself liable for every possible punishment. The terrorists should be killed without any mercy just after the investigations and enquiries made by police. there is no need to give them chance for publicity through trials. If judicial action is unavoidable it shoule be in closed waalls withoout any publicity or news to the public, just after awarding major punishment it shold be open to all.

from Mumbai
16 years ago

Technically, every person, has a right to trial or the 'human rights' (however heinous the crime may be, that is the irony of the Indian Law) However, now that it has been established that the act was a carefully planned and deliberate act of Terrorism, the authorities incharge should ensure that he gets the worst punishment possible. A good example would be to use the TRP hungry media to telecast a live execution of the terrorists so that everybody understands that those who tear the fabric of the nation are torn apart by those who are loyal to the nation. This should have been done long ago starting with underworld criminals.

Amitabh Mukherjee
Amitabh Mukherjee
from Bangalore
16 years ago

Forget human rights. They do not have animal rights also. Those caught red handed should be executed immediately - ok after a brief trial to appease the International Community. The problem comes when "suspected" terrorists are captured. They need to be tried before any action is taken. In those cases - actually in all cases, whether involving terrorists or not - justice needs to be swift. Our trial courts take their own sweet time. And that is the biggest hinderence in India. A society that cannot deliver swift justice is a society heading towards failure.

Cheers! Churn-News

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