Looking for feedback on my blog
Although it contains pointers to and posts on my other hobbies, my blog is mostly about my cycling journey over the past couple of years.
I would really appreciate some feedback on content, writing style as well as the blog format/theme. Any pointers on how to make it better would be of great help.
Thanks in advance.
Hi Venky,
Here are my first impressions of your blog-
- Loved the content. Wonderful write ups and amazing pics :) Loved the nandi in rain post, brilliant!!
- One suggestion is to increase the overall content area. The main post area looks a bit constricted as of now.
- The total number of posts can also be reduced to max 5 on the home page.
- You could also put the 'link within' widget below each post to show the related post that can increase your clickthroughs.
Rest is great, Keep blogging :)
Best wishes,
Thanks again. I've updated the blog templae with your suggestions above. Increased the overall content area and restricted the max post to 3. Even included the 'link within' widget.
Thanks a bunch again. Please take a look and let me know if it looks good or if you have any other suggestions.
Thank you Arti,
All are very valid and valuable suggestions that I will look to implement very soon.
I'm looking to change the theme to increase the overall content area as the current theme seems to restrict that.
Same with the max posts in the home page.
'Link within' is something that I need to look at. Thanks a lot for taking the time to review and provide feedback. Appreiciate it!
Any other suggestions from anybody else are appreiciated as well.