Guest blogging request

from goa
13 years ago

I had requested the writer Sachin garg (author of ‘I’m not twenty four.. I’ve been nineteen for five years’) to write a article on how young writers can write a book and get it published. so he agreed but he was looking for a blogger who would let him publise the article on  their blog as a guest post. he has a blog but he Was looking for a more popular blog where the article can get more exposure. so anybody is willing to let him guest post it?.  Thank you.

Edited 13 years ago
Reason: incomplete
Replies 1 to 3 of 3 Ascending
Neeraj Rawat
Neeraj Rawat
from Delhi
13 years ago

Yeah even I am interested but it depends as Aditya said how popular you want the blog to be?Mine has an alexa rank of 120000 sumthing with only 2 post on it lolz

from goa
13 years ago

Thanks man. y r u kidding ur blog is popular enough i will tell sachin garg and get back to you. Really appreciate it. Thank you.

Aditya Kumar Nayak
Aditya Kumar Nayak
from New Delhi
13 years ago

I am willing. But it depends on how popular you want the blog to be. :) Ping me if that suits you

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