Edit feature is missing in Blogspot ?

umesh derebail
umesh derebail
from Mumbai
13 years ago

After the revamp of the blogger platform, i find editing feature is missing, can anybody guide me how to do it ?

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from Mumbai
13 years ago

Hello Umeshji,

If you are talking of editing the posts, then click on your...

dashboard -> posts -> published -> hover the mouse on the desired post you want to edit and the option of edit will be visible to you.

Although I have only one blog, but things like title of blog, blog address, etc can be changed under the 'settings' option again accessible through your blogger dashboard.

I don't know but I haven't faced any problems with the new interface.

umesh derebail
from Mumbai
13 years ago

Hello Arti,

The new interface is a little complicated when compared to old one, since i have multiple blogs i am facing this problem, slowly i am grappling with various settings.  thanks for the guidelines

from Mumbai
13 years ago

Yes Umeshji, thats true... it always takes a bit of time to adapt to the new changes.

umesh derebail
umesh derebail
from Mumbai
13 years ago

It is very difficult to locate the edit feature on the blogspot now, the complication arises in case one has number of blogs, editing the title of the blog too cannot be easily undertaken

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