Whosoever wants a review of their blog can post in here.

Sumit Nangia
Sumit Nangia
from Pune
13 years ago

Anyone who wants a review about their blogs, can post in here.

Edited 13 years ago
Reason: Update
Replies 1 to 5 of 5 Ascending
Sumit Nangia
Sumit Nangia
from Pune
13 years ago

@DS Thanks for your understanding. Hope to have a nice time at indiblogger.

from Mumbai
13 years ago
Ya if you have any queries then you can refer the forum... The people here are great, ever ready to help:)
Sumit Nangia
Sumit Nangia
from Pune
13 years ago

I am extremly sorry for posting this thread in the forum, as i said, i am new on indiblogger. And your point that moderation should be increased is definately true. a wrong thread like mine which was invalid for the forums, made it here without any moderation. it is certainly not correct.

The system in use by techforums like thinkdigit should be adopted or modified according to the indiblogger's need.


from Mumbai
13 years ago
Hey Sumit, We all make mistakes when new... The most important thing is to accept your mistake like you have done... The thread can only be deleted by a forum moderator so dont feel guilty anymore... Welcome to Indiblogger:)
Sumit Nangia
Sumit Nangia
from Pune
13 years ago

@arti --Actually, i haven't used indiblogger much, it would be really  helpful of you if you guide about where the exclusive blog review section is. 

from Mumbai
13 years ago
Sumit, click on the forum tab on the home page. On the right sidebar, you will see a tab as blog reviews. That is the blog review section. You can also put your own blog up for review there. Have a good time :-)
from Mumbai
13 years ago
Hello Sumit, Really appreciate your intentions but forum is not the place to review blogs. You can do that in the Exclusive blog reviews section. Many bloggers out there waiting to hear from you.
Sumit Nangia
from Pune
13 years ago

I found out.. Anyways thanks a  ton. 

Sumit Nangia
Sumit Nangia
from Pune
13 years ago

Hey, Murali... It's a really nice blog you own, here. For further improvements i would suggest start using tags so as to classify all your posts in certain categories, so that visitors could have a better idea on generally which topics you blog.

In order to gain more hits and getting people's opinion on whatever theme you blog with, do submit your posts on indivine and other websites like digg.com and delicious.com.

Keep Blogging !!!!!!

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