please review my technological blog
my blog intends to provide tricks,tips and reviews for users so that they can get and use the very best of available technological trends.
Dear Suraj,
Your blog is informative and i liked the flash used in your blog.
Suggestion -
Add more posts/artciles
Tricks is confusing, check if you can rename it ( just a thought)
Add a subscribe to me widget
Dear Mayank,
nice to know some one from IIT Mumbai...
You have nice posts.
Suggestions -
Add a subscribe to my post widget
Best Regards,
Ishita Sharma
Visit my site and provide comments/feedback
I saw you are like me..started in 2008 and picking up late :)
Nevertheless it is an informative blog..My suggestion is to rearrange your page elements to give a more professional look. Also go for paid hosting if possible as that gives you more control..And yes that flash animation is really cool and slick.. Will try to get one for my blog too.
Good Luck and cheers!!