Curb on free speech

from hyderabad
13 years ago

The Hindu reports that the number of content removal requests from India to Google went up by 123%.  Full report here: 

What is your opinion? Should blogger and website owners need to refrain themselves from publishing such content or is it the govenment that should accept the freedom of speech without imposing too amny restrictions?

Edited 13 years ago
Reason: minor edit
Replies 1 to 3 of 3 Ascending
TF Carthick
TF Carthick
from Bangalore
13 years ago
I think governments of the world, especially India have woken up from their deep slumber after Jasmine Revolution, Wiki Leaks and Anna Hazare movement. Whereas governments can be slow on other things, they will be pretty fast in acting againts things that threaten their own existense. So we can see more of these kinds of curbs on freedom of speech. All the so called 'democratic' nations have been putting up with ineffeciency and corruption in the name of freedom of speech etc. When that is going to be finally taken away from us, the Chinese will have the last laugh.
umesh derebail
umesh derebail
from Mumbai
13 years ago
Google is bound to comply with law of the land in case of defamation and matters which are subjudice. Apart from this commercial considerations dictate which content is removed from the blogsphere or censored. The best solution is to keep such content as private, for limited circulation among friends and followers. This will ensure that the content is not open to public. Manipulation of media is a reality. We have to unfortunately live with it.
from hyderabad
13 years ago

That is a very good suggestion. And further, evn if a website or blog is blocked, the feed subscribers will still get the content delivered on their e readers.

from New Delhi
13 years ago

hey cmon Ranjith why should bloggers or website owners refrain?? The only thing which makes India live-able is freedom of speech.Infact at the global forums we score brownie points over China bcz of this.I see a link between increasing cases of corruption and such requests to google :P While print media and electronic media can be 'managed', I am happy that new media can't be by any Indira eva :P

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