Hemant Arora would like you to review his/her blog.
[ http://pearlsfromtheocean.blogspot.com/ ] IndiRank: 45

Looking for feedback on what I write....Please take your time and give as many s

Hemant Arora
Hemant Arora
from Pune
13 years ago

Dear Bloggers,

Requesting you all to review my blog and suggest what you like and what you may not find suitable in it. I am open to any kind of feedback which can help to improve my writing.

Thank you

Hemant Arora

Replies 1 to 16 of 16
from Bangalore
13 years ago


Beautiful site..

Layout is good, color combination is good...

Suggestions -

Follow by email..bring it to the top

Create a category for yoor blog posts

Have a look at my website - http://www.investmentbazar.com

Kindly provide your suggestion and inputs


Hemant Arora
Hemant Arora
from Pune
13 years ago

Hello Ishita,

Thank you for your feedback. I made few changes as per your suggestions.

I was looking at your blog and quite a few observations listed below. This is just my opinion..as you might have some commercial reasons for your blog designed this way:

1. If you could bring the Menu Bar a little above from where it is placed currently.

2. You could also give some more discription about you and investment bazar....ppl look for credibility of such information. May be if you could provide some evidence and the source of information which will add credibility to your website.

Rest everything looks superb. I even went through VPF vs PPF – Who’s better and ELSS vs NSC – Which is a bet­ter invest­ment option and both the articles are short and crispy, easy enough for understanding of normal ppl.







from Bangalore
13 years ago

Dear Hemant,

Many Thanks for providing feedback on my site.

It's very kind of you to provide me such a detailed feedback

Best Regards,


Hemant Arora
Hemant Arora
from Pune
13 years ago

You are always welcome Ishita :)

13 years ago

Hello hemant

your blog is beautiful and theme is well suited to your blog layout and design..It has that dreamy kinda feel..You write well too.. may be a little more humour will spice things up a bit more..Anyways great work..!!

all the best..Smile


from Noida
13 years ago

Hey, great blog. Really love the theme and also great content. To be honest, i am hardly able to find anything to point out worth changing in your blog, it's really very good.

Just one thing, try and keep the archives higher than it is, I personally feel things less essential than archives have taken up the upper slots ( except for the mail subscription and the labels) - keep those two in place.

Take care. And keep the posts coming. :)

Hemant Arora
Hemant Arora
from Pune
13 years ago

Thank you SID and Janhvi....your feedback is important to me and you may want to check the blog for changes made as per your suggestions.

Thanks again....

Hemant Arora
Hemant Arora
from Pune
13 years ago

Waiting for more reviews....pallies....please comment :)

from new delhi
13 years ago

Hi Hemant,

Amazing Blog....

want to see again &again..........

from india.
13 years ago

yes really amazed to see ur blog   :)

how did you get that beautiful template designing  idea  :)

i have to learn many thing from you...

plz teach me if u can... :P

keep smiling always...

happy to see the comments you got ....

Hemant Arora
Hemant Arora
from Pune
13 years ago

Hi Fellow Bloggers,

Thank you....induravisinghj

Hey Sowmya...well...you are the one who did work hard for getting me that template.

And THANK YOU for this priceless favor.



from india.
13 years ago

priceless friendship = priceless favor

hence proved....

now save ur thanks inside the bank..


Sumit Nangia
Sumit Nangia
from Pune
13 years ago

Wow !!! Really an eye catching blog.. very profound use of colors.

Try something innovative with your blog.. like try and put messages at the ending section of your posts to the people close to you or simply blog out some random conversations .

It attracted many new visitors to my blog, when i tried it. Give a look: www.sumitnangia.wordpress.com

Hemant Arora
Hemant Arora
from Pune
13 years ago

Thank you Sumit...for taking your time and provide suggestions...

I saw your blog....looks awesome and i was trying to understand what you were trying to say...

Can I have your email address to get some more information about what you suggested..

Thank You again

with love,


Hemant Arora
Hemant Arora
from Pune
13 years ago


Thank you for reviewing the blog...And I will see to it if I can give another thought about the background :)

Thank you again :)

Prasannajeet Pani
Prasannajeet Pani
from Bhubaneswar
13 years ago

Dear Hemant,

Thank you for reviewing my blog with such lavish praises, do keep checking it for new posts, I would appreciate that. I just went through your blog and I am really impressed with your honesty in your writing. You have written straight from the heart, and that has touched me to the extent that you made me follow your blog in an instant. Especially your writings in the post "In the attempt to find my love, I found myself..." was really a reminder of my post "How to deal with your first breakup?".

Keep writing from your heart, that's your USP. Waiting for your forthcoming articles.


Regards, Prasannajeet

Hemant Arora
Hemant Arora
from Pune
13 years ago

Thank you Mr. Pani.....I am really happy to see your appreciating the blog....thats what the objective of maintaining one....

Went through your post and it is quite interesting and realistic...

Angel Love
Angel Love
from Bangalore
10 years ago

Hi Hemant, 

I liked your blog ,title and the ocean theme. And your writing style is v. good.:)