Kunal Pawar would like you to review his/her blog.
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As We Think Is... please review it

Kunal Pawar
Kunal Pawar
from Mumbai
13 years ago

A group blog covering different categories. The general idea is 6 days, 6 writers. Each writer will cover a particular category. Sundays are reserved for guest writers

Why do we write - http://aswethinkis.wordpress.com/why-do-we-write/




p.s. look forward to your suggestions!

Replies 1 to 2 of 2
from hyderabad
13 years ago

Your blogs loooks good and the concept too is a good one. Here are a few suggesstions:

  • Decrease the size of the images. They make your blog load slower.
  • Move the e mail subscription form to the top. It needs to be placed in such a way that people can notice it easily

The gadget that connected the world but........

Kunal Pawar
Kunal Pawar
from Mumbai
13 years ago

Hey Ranjith,

  Thanks for the suggestions!! I will make the changes.

  By the way, any comment on the content or writing style?




from hyderabad
13 years ago

Read that post Why do we srite. The first paragraph was very creative to make everyone continue reading. Good work. keep blogging and all the best Smile