I borrow images from google search for my blog posts.. Is that an offence?

Farida Rizwan
Farida Rizwan
from Bangalore
13 years ago

Other than personal images, I usually upload images for my blog from the appropriate pictures I find on search engines. Is this an offence? 

UPDATE :Thanks to Indibloggers and my son animator Rayyan, I don't take images from google anymore. I create my own images and also I am trying hard to replace all the images in previous blog posts too.  

Edited 12 years ago
Reason: update
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Abhsihek Boinapalli
Abhsihek Boinapalli
from Hyderabad
12 years ago

I don't know .. I simply use them!!


Sometimes it might not be legal .. All I know is .. if someone is gonna ask me to remove an image / two (showing copy-right reasons) then I would remove them for sure!!

Farida Rizwan
Farida Rizwan
from Bangalore
12 years ago

My son Animator Rayyan is helping me create my own images for blog now. They suite the topic well and I feel happy about using my own images too. I don't have to worry much about borrowing images anymore ;)

Shalu Sharma
Shalu Sharma
from Patna, Delhi
12 years ago

Its not borrowing, its stealing. you cannot use anyone's images. You need to look for public domain images.

Farida Rizwan
from Bangalore
12 years ago

Hmmm.. I got my answer long back and since then I have started creating my own images and using it for my blog. I think you did not check my previous comment ;). Being new to blogger I did not know the rules of using google images. 

Tony John
Tony John
from Kerala
12 years ago

Even though copying images from most sources are violation of copy right laws, in most cases, you can safely use product images from product owner. For example, you may Samsung phone images from Samsung website and use in your blog. If you read hundeds of pages of their terms, policies etc, you can never find that you are allowed to use those images. But for all practical reasons, they will not sue you for promoting their own product using their images. However, if you take an image from Samsung website and post an article about "How ugly is this Samsung phone", you could get in to trouble if Samsung thinks your blog is big enough for them to go after. In my sites/blogs, I have made it a policy that taking images from any sources are not allowed except product images from official product websites when used to write about those products.

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