Vivek Nag would like you to review his/her blog.
[ ] IndiRank: 24

Looking for feedback on my blog

Vivek Nag
Vivek Nag
from Mumbai
13 years ago


I am new here and I would just like to get some feedback from the people in Indiblogger. My blog is basically about my artwork and the reviews I put about the things I watch and read. I would really appreciate for some healthy criticisms.

Thank you

Replies 1 to 2 of 2
from hyderabad
13 years ago

You could have chosen a better colour theme. black hurts the eyes. The archives, categories and the other widgets may be moved to the right. They should be easily reachable. Reduce the image size in your blog. They might take more time to load for slow net connections.

The colours of life

Vivek Nag
Vivek Nag
from Mumbai
13 years ago

I shall take not of that!

Thank you! :)