Piyal Kundu would like you to review his/her blog.
[ http://oldindianphotos.in ] IndiRank: 40

Looking for feedback on my vintage Indian Photography blog.

Piyal Kundu
Piyal Kundu
from Naihati
13 years ago

A blog about historical vintage photographs of Indian subcontinent. This blog do not purchase or sell any photographs. Anyone can use photographs from this blog for own purpose. 

Replies 1 to 3 of 3
from Bangalore
13 years ago

Dear Piyal,

A unique site and amazing collection of photographs.

Your site is a free tour to ancient India, quite amazing.

Remove TOC, a website does not have TOC.

Bring the categories close to the ads, so that a viewer can see thos categories.

Visit my site - http://www.investmenetbazar.com

Best Regards,




from Bangalore
13 years ago

Investmentbazar website URL is - Visit my site - http://www.investmentbazar.com

Great pics, very nostalgic ones. Great work.
Prodip Mullick
Prodip Mullick
from kolkata
7 years ago

well decorated with a great collection of pics.