samreen jawaid would like you to review his/her blog.
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looking for some genuine feedback on mah blog...

samreen jawaid
samreen jawaid
from delhi
13 years ago

its my personal blog...all my writings are inspired from reality and woven into ppl plz do check it..thanku

Replies 1 to 11 of 11
Gayatri (Mystic)
Gayatri (Mystic)
from Dombivli
13 years ago

Hi samreen, The poems are really nice. The content is from the heart and conveys the feelings.

Just a few suggestions :

  • The widgets that you have placed at the end of the blog, move then on the right sidebar.
  • In some of the posts I came across a few grammatical errors, try avoiding them.
  • The calender widget, I personally feel its of no use as such.

Keep blogging.


from Mumbai
13 years ago

hmm gud collection of articles...

review this

samreen jawaid
samreen jawaid
from delhi
13 years ago

@ gayatri

hey thanks for such an honest feedback, as you can see i'm new on blogger too...i'll ofcourse work on it and for the grammatical errors i'll try to avoid them, i'll remove the calender widget..checked your blog, its nice...keep blogging..thanks

samreen jawaid
samreen jawaid
from delhi
13 years ago


hey just checked your blog..overall good work, however I think that it will add to your creativity if you change the template...anyways thanks for the appreciation..

from mumbai
13 years ago

Hi samreen, you have a very nice blog, here are my first impressions.

You are a very creative person, I feel you have very good content. Your content should reflect you. Keep writing such creative, unique posts.

Also loved the simplistic and neat layout of the blog. I agree with gayatri, you can move the widgets to the sidebar. Also, keep a single font for the entire blog, that will look very nice.


samreen jawaid
samreen jawaid
from delhi
13 years ago
@abhi hey man thanks a ton for such an appreciation.. haha..this is what people generally get from me that I am very creative however what I believe is that I am unimaginative and horribly limited, I can not create something on a given topic and I don't write too often..I still need a lot to learn..and I checked your blog, BETHEGEEK..I couldn't read it..apologies, your following my blog came as a surprise, I am not tech savvy at all so I am not following you back..forgive me..I am technologically impaired and prosaic..however i'll work on the suggestions.. regards
from Bangalore
13 years ago

Dear Samreen,

I am impressed with your writing. You are a nice writer and i feel you write with passion and from your heart, all the articles can impact the reader.

Write more articles on a regular basis

Create categories to divide the articles



Visit -

samreen jawaid
samreen jawaid
from delhi
13 years ago

@ ishita thanks for buoying me up, i'll try to be more productive..visited your blog, and after reading i felt that i am gonna learn a lot about investment plans..future needs..haha...keep writing..Smile

from Bangalore
13 years ago

Dear Samreen,

Thanks for your kind words.

Kindly share with your friends and relatives about Investmentbazar.

Best Regards,


samreen jawaid
samreen jawaid
from delhi
13 years ago
@ishita sure i'll
samreen jawaid
samreen jawaid
from delhi
13 years ago

@ jamil

hey thanks for going through my blog and raeding it...and thanks for liking it too, i'll try to change the template as soon as i get something good..and will be back with a review of your blog in few days after going through the contents..