Following others at IndiBlogger: Discussion and Questions

from hyderabad
13 years ago

Why do you follow others? If yes, why?

Do you  take out time from your daily routine to check out what teh people whom ypi have followed on IndiBlogger are doing?

When someone follows you, do you follow them back?

And are you the one who keeps following everyone else and tehn unfollow the ones who don't follow you?



Finally my doubts taht I want to get cleared

1. 'Following others increases the chnace of your blog being discovered' s the message I receive in the mail sent to me whenevr someone follows me. How does it happen?

2. When person A follows person B, will activity updates of person B be displayed in A's Dashboard always or only if it is not a mutual connection?

(Since I joined IndiBlogger around 10 peopel have followed me, all of whom I knew on the forum. So I thought that it would be better to follow them back. I had done so, but never does my dashboard get filled with updates of tehir activities.

When I first joined IndiBlogger, I have followed two people. They have not followed me back. It was a one way connection. I used to receive their upadtes on my dashboard.)

From these two things, is this what is the thing that should be concluded?

1. Updates of mutual connections are not displayed on the dashboard.

2. Updates are displayed only if it is a one way connection.


Edited 13 years ago
Reason: spelling mistake in this field :-)
Replies 1 to 2 of 2 Ascending
from Hyderabad
13 years ago

We can follow people on Indiblogger? wtf?

from hyderabad
13 years ago

By following, I meant adding to network. Whatever may be the name used for it, it means the same thing.

from Mumbai
13 years ago

Innocent What a complicated theory you have made of all of it...Innocent

Mutual or one way... it in no way affects the dashboard updates. Dashboard shows recent activities on the forum topics that you have tracked, your indivine posts and people who add you to your network.

About 'Following others increases the chance of your blog being discovered' thats just a reciprocation thing. People may want to check out who's just added them in their network and who knows you might win for youself a very genuine follower in the process, so thats it!

The rest of the questions, i will leave for the other veteran to answerTongue out

from hyderabad
13 years ago

@ Arti I don't see updates regarding the forum topics that I am tracking on my dashboard. I just receive them by a mail.

I don't see information about new IndiVine posts made by the people who are in my network.

And answer to my question?

from Mumbai
13 years ago

@Ranjith If you have tracked a forum topic thread, you get the updates of the latest replies in that tracked thread in your dashboard. plus you also rcv mail as you mentioned.

No I dint mean that you will see information about new IndiVine posts made by the people who are in my network. You will receive updates about which person has voted for you for which indivine post of yours.

Hope this clears some of your doubts atleast :)

from hyderabad
13 years ago

@ Arti But I don't receive updates about the threads I am tracking, on my dashboard. I receive them only by mail. (I track only the discussions that I have started. Anything to do with it?)

Thanks for the second answer.

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