Are Indians lazy? [The shortest comments]

from hyderabad
13 years ago

I just wanted to ask this question seeing the comments on many of the IndiBlogs. They hardly have the length of some ten words and include the most probable words :Great posts, Excellent. At the same time they aren't spam. Check out this blog: and be shocked by seeing the comments length. What is your opinion on this issue.

If the next time you comment on a friends blog with a few more words, you will be helping him. The ones who come to read your friends blog will stay on the blog for a longer time.

And this is what you can write about: Your opinion on the topic of discussion. If your friend has written his opinion on 'true friendship', you too can do it in six to seven lines.

And for bloggers: At the end of the post, you can include something like 'Discuss about....' Many readers are not too intelligent to think of something that they can write on.

Replies 1 to 19 of 19 Ascending
Lost and Found
Lost and Found
from Pune
12 years ago

Yup. I get votes but no comments and then the randomest of people don't vote but they do comment and honestly, I don't care about the votes, but I do care about the comments. And I haven't recieved a short one till date. Lucky me. But I really wish my voters could actually read my posts. I know that they don't.  Analyze this: I submit my post and in the next minute, I have a vote! Pray, tell me, how do you manage to read so fast? Or do you? 

Mohini Puranik
Mohini Puranik
from Dhule
12 years ago

May be, but not always and not all. 

I have another problem, do people read articles? As Micky said, twitter habit people's eyes can't stay on 1000 words' article. So boring...who will read and who will comment!

Also as leo said, for small poem like Haiku, generally anybody will prefer less words. That looks perfect, but depending on the depth, comment can be long too.

In long articles or poems when different aspects are covered, a detailed feedback becomes important. I think, people give it, surely. Some popular sites like Agniveer. com or Satyameva Jayate. org , have long long comments and that too, too many. So, people like comprehensive writing, debates, reply to others' comments. I feel, it depends on the consistency. These sites are well established and the issues they take are also important, so people comment. I see the matured readers and even don't wish to miss the comments on such sites.

from Bengaluru
12 years ago

I agree with The Fool, length of comments might not be a good way to tell if or not the audience has liked the post or not. 


And depending on the post, it might not be right to call someone lazy coz the length of the post is less than 140 characters. Take a poetry form such as the haiku or sijo for instance. They are syllable-restricted by form itself, being 17 syllable / 42 syllables respectively. So a post of that magnitude can express more in less. 

TF Carthick
TF Carthick
from Bangalore
12 years ago

Well, in cases where it is a story, a poem or an unique personal experience, the reader can appreciate but may not have much to say. Often I have seen even book reviews on Good Reads etc. hardly saying anything except that the book is good. Does not mean they have not read the book, no?

On the other hand if it is a topic on which people have strong opinions, though the blogger might not have said much of value, readers will post long comments giving vent to their feelings on the topic. This comment may in turn provoke further discussions.

So length of comments might not be a sufficient way to judge how much audience liked your content.

Micky Fernandez
Micky Fernandez
from Kolkata
12 years ago

I think that all people have become lazy, all people have become twitter-fied, all people can not express themselves in more than 140 characters. (I have seen many blog posts that were not much more than twitter posts.)

On the other hand, not all people have become lazy, but all Indian (especially those in West Bengal) police officers are lazy. There have been numerous articles of them being too lazy to even lift a finger to write an FIR.

Diwakar Narayan
from Pune
12 years ago

I wanted a like button on your reply to this forum.

Mohini Puranik
from Dhule
12 years ago

Micky - Too good. 

Sairam Rajamani
Sairam Rajamani
from Bangalore
13 years ago


I went through the link that you gave and the guy is a personal b*****ng guru. My feeling is that the audience who come to the blog are actually audience who are interested in what he does. And they are emotionally involved.

Getting emotionally involved audience is the key to get good comments to the blog.

Else, most of the comments are by other bloggers who want you to visit their blogs. Obviously they are not emotionally involved in the topic of your post. So they cannot be expected to say much more than "good post".


Neeraj Rawat
Neeraj Rawat
from Delhi
13 years ago

Agree with Sulagna Dasgupta above sometimes my comments are too short and sometimes they are too big even more than few of my blog posts but I never comment coz of link back

from hyderabad
13 years ago

I wished that I receive such long comments. I would repost it as a new one on my blog. :-)

from Delhi
13 years ago

It would be unfair to say Indians are lazy. Thats too much of genralization. Having said that, a trend can definately be made at a city level. For example, Delhi is far slower than Mumbai, and that in some way reflects the city's characteristics itself. And a disclosure i think is needed here - am a Maharashtrian born and broght up in Delhi, so there isn't any favoritism in my comment. :)

from mumbai
13 years ago

yes, karan , I agree, its wrong to generalize Indians, just like any other country, as a unit, as lazy. There are so many factors which have to be considered before coming up with such a conclusion.

from hyderabad
13 years ago

Many even say indians are spammers....... Another generalisation one needs to accept it though. I have a dynamic Ip and because of it I couldn't register on a number of foums as every Ip that I am alloted seems to be blacklisted.

umesh derebail
umesh derebail
from Mumbai
13 years ago
I believe silence is golden Lolz, i posted a blockbuster travelogue and got fantastic voting, but found to my surprise no comments on blog, it all happens in the blogsphere. Of course when time comes, or one is in a liesurely mood to express, comments will start pouring. Patience is mother of all virtue. The law of karma applies. Now let me visit your posts and log in a few genuine comments, before i am termed as Bol Bachhan
umesh derebail
from Mumbai
13 years ago

Ranjith your real beauty article is amazing and written with lot of passion, sad to see limited voters have casted their vote in your favour

umesh derebail
from Mumbai
13 years ago

I am unable to comment on your blogpost, got to check what is the glitch or bug, seems strange post comment column is present but i am unable to access it for comments, it has a blank page

from hyderabad
13 years ago

Thanks for the appreciation.

from Mumbai
13 years ago
There could be many reasons, many have been discussed above! I would like to add one more- a person can be 'a man of few words' introvert type and hence can come up with short comments by nature. Sometimes one needs to also just appreciate the fact that the person atleast stopped by and commented. There are many who are so lazy that they wont bother to type in even those two words! Reciprocation then is always something that we can choose!
from mumbai
13 years ago

yes, Arti, I agree with all the points you have shared. Also, sometimes, we may not understand completely what the post is about but we still know that it is a very remarkable post. For example , if one of my friend has a photography blog,  and if I do not understand the technicalities involved in photography like the aperture, lighting etc etc but I do know that the picture captured is marvellous, then I can still appreciate the picture in a few words without getting into a lengthy discussion.

from Mumbai
13 years ago
Yup, good example there that you have given!

I don't quite agree, a person can be 'a man of few words', but I have noticed people talking about their personal lives like gaga over the internet, they are introverts, and yes they talk a lot. It's something about this internet age, you tend to reveal secrets that you won't talk about because you find the person you are responding to involved in topic of some form that interests you.

from Bangalore
13 years ago

U know, the world considers Indians as one of the hardest workin set of people... guess we need to show them the truth Tongue out

But seriously, most ppl comment purely as a means of solidarity n gud will...if he/she knows that he'll probably come bac again to the same post, thn he/she mite start a discussion... n mind u, a 'nice post'  is much better thn no comment at all, which invariably is the case most of the while :)

I guess its ur followers who's been with u fr a while who wud probably giv u the longest comments.. nt sure if u cn expect tht frm a rank newcomer to ur site..

Again, internet accessability is a big issue in India, unlike other countries where mobile internet connectivity is almost ppl thr can take the time n effort to comment while waiting in the bus, in a queue or in the train ride back home. 

so really dunno if u cn link this wid laziness amngst us Indians :)

O btw, the world also considers us Indians as masters of givin short comments (as ur topic here requests)'s me showin them the truth Tongue out

Amar Ashok Jajoo
from Nagpur
13 years ago

Yes, no comments is really which is something very demotivating! By that i can really say that Indians are lazy! And yes buddy..In a reply in some other topic, you announced an award for whoever reads your reply! I did it then! And i did it now! I deserve two awards! Tongue out

from Bangalore
13 years ago

Superlike u!!! Smile

Yup u win my International Award fr dat n the Presidents' awards fr Persistence....both amount to a cheque of 2 lakhs each Smile

btw like all great ponzi schemes, lemme assure u dat the cheque is in the mail..Wink

But nevertheless, superlike u!!! Smile

Amar Ashok Jajoo
from Nagpur
13 years ago

I'm so fortunate enough to get two prestigious awards here!Tongue out..Money in whatever form..I love it..Laughing..And for that I superlike you..!!Wink

from Bangalore
13 years ago


from hyderabad
13 years ago

I accept your take regarding Internet Connectivity. There are many indians who frequently viist a cyber cafe to browse the net. One can't expect a lengthy comment from them.

Diwakar Narayan
from Pune
12 years ago

Ranjith...Aplogies if I sound rude, but how many people do you know who go to cyber cafe to read blogs/post blogs? Blogging is actually a practise of leisure. If you take days to think of a story, take hours to finalize it and take minutes to post it, can't you take seconds to post comments?

Now, the above was a response to your comment "There are many indians who frequently viist a cyber cafe to browse the net. One can't expect a lengthy comment from them"

Now, coming back to your original question posted in the forum, India has such society where individualism is not promoted. Although Indians work harder than other peoples, as mentioned by someone in the forum, we work as a team and that is what is most appreciated in India. However, in countries like US, people take individual credits for something which is done and also appreciate others for their individual efforts. The problem is not being lazy but a psychological one.

Amar Ashok Jajoo
Amar Ashok Jajoo
from Nagpur
13 years ago

 I think many people lack the depth! And yes many of them don't even read it! Sometime one is just too spellbound to write a long one! To classify within these categories is difficult though! I often get a comment with only 'Nice'..And I'm left wondering what to say!


from hyderabad
13 years ago

just reply: Thanks for that short and sweet comment :-)

Sulagna Dasgupta
Sulagna Dasgupta
from Mumbai
13 years ago

Maybe one of the reasons is the lack of integrity inherent in the indian culture. The percentage of ppl who comment on a post with the sole objective of link-building is much much greater here than most other countires. Only a tiny percentage of ppl comment because they genuinely want to participate in the discussion. 

Abhinav Neelam
from Bangalore
13 years ago

Agreed! I don't want to sound like I've a case of sour grapes (I haven't joined the backscratching club yet Undecided), but it really is quite irritating. OK, since I'm reasonably new here I don't know if that's what reviews are about but I also find it disappointing that most reviews talk about templates, widgets and what not instead of actually reviewing the content.

very true

from hyderabad
13 years ago

I thought that indians did not knew much about using comments for link building.:-)

Harish P I
Harish P I
from India
13 years ago




(I hope that one was not that short)..  Laughing

from hyderabad
13 years ago

I would have awarded you with a gold medal for the shortest reply if you could have resisted yourself from typing the last line. :-)

there is a point there. but laziness is a different thing altogether. If a banda is truly lazy he won't event care to touch the computer even, just sleep away to eternity. Infact he is a brisk one aiming at certain acheivements damn damn fast. so he moves onnnn. one short one here , and there.


from hyderabad
13 years ago

Good definition of a lazy person!

Sanjeetha Veni
Sanjeetha Veni
from India
13 years ago

The same question was provoking my mind...

by seeing such comments..I even get a doubt of whether they had read my posts

One primary reason is lack of creativity

from hyderabad
13 years ago

I would be happy if people read my blog and not comment anything rather than commenting without reading

I think there is an area of comfort between liking-a-post-but-not-so-much-that-i-will-comment and liking-a-post-so-much-that-i-will-comment.

It is called I-like-your-post-but-its-not-that-great-that-i-have-to-write-an-essay-on-it-praising-you.

Get it? Wink

from hyderabad
13 years ago

I think so.  Smile

from Mumbai
13 years ago
+1 Thats quite Right!
from Sharjah
13 years ago

bang on ! Iam too lazy to elaborate...but xeno said it well.

Thank You Thank You!


Bilna Sandeep
Bilna Sandeep
from Abu Dhabi
13 years ago

well it could be because the readers are too lazy!! or maybe..not so much creative to come up with a comment!! or ur post is too good and the reader is spellbound Laughing [when that happens to one of our blog posts lets console ourself that way!! Wink]

from hyderabad
13 years ago

Wonderful reasons to escape! Smile
from Hyderabad
13 years ago

14 hours, no responses. Does that answer the question you asked in the topic?

from hyderabad
13 years ago

Partially. But the activity on the forum is considerably less today. It is the day before weekend. May be everyone is relaxing.

from Bangalore
13 years ago

Maybe everybody's just lazy..Wink

from Mumbai
13 years ago

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