Ashwini Sane would like you to review his/her blog.
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Looking for feedback on my blog. Kindly have a look! Thank you!

Ashwini Sane
Ashwini Sane
from Pune
13 years ago

I write poetry on random topics, each post has a unique theme and a poem. 

Replies 1 to 1 of 1
from Mumbai
13 years ago

Hi Ashwini,

Nice blog, wonderful poems penned down beautifully!

My suggestions -

  • Each post of your has a different take i see since your poems are mixed with some writings as well. Thats nice but since the main focus is on the poems I feel you could shorten the intro part a bit to one para may be, if possible. As of now, the poem has just gotten pushed a little down in the post and a reader might just read a few lines in the beginning and navigate to some other page without even reaching the poem part...
  • Include some useful widgets like the Labels cloud in the sidebar.

Rest looks good, Keep Blogging :)

Ashwini Sane
from Pune
13 years ago

Ok, so this is how you answer!!! Yes, I am trying to understand the Labels idea, very slow on tech, am just a writer! But you have to know the medium to be effective. Thanks.