Does being Anonymous gives you Unlimited power to defame someone?

Hemal Shah
Hemal Shah
from Mumbai
13 years ago

Yes I am talking about Pundit Commentator. She has been spread this "Sexism" issue like anything. On twitter, she tweets to BBC World, BBC India, BBC Hindi etc. She tweets a few well know people and engages them in a discussion and conveys points that she deems were right. When people say she over reacted, she preferred simply to call them Judas. She calls me Sexist while in the same posts she refers to men as pigs and door mats et al. Does not that surprise you?

"Some men are male chauvinist pigs. Some men are doormats and easy to twirl around the finger by some crafty clever woman, usually his mother. Some men are learned and wise. Some are not. Some men are feminists and proudly include this in their biographies/profiles for all the world to know. Some men are not."

And now she has posted it on her blog and tweeted and re-tweeted.

I am deeply hurt. Even after I offered my apology, I dont need any bad publicity. Can someone help me here?

Edited 13 years ago
Reason: Spellings
Replies 1 to 12 of 12 Ascending
from Sharjah
13 years ago
iam with r-a-j on this...especially the beer part. now who do we offend next? i have been trying hard but noones biting..the things we do to bond!
from Bangalore
13 years ago


from Bangalore
13 years ago

My two point suggestion for conflicts:

no. 1 - Beer

no. 2 - Lots of it

Beer pivanu, blog likhwanu..Mazza ni life :)

Actually, I have a slightly contradictory opinion - I think we need more conflicts n maybe a few non-bloggin issues too....I think, it helps us network n bond better with each other....I like the fact that we all came to support n side with whatever we felt was right.. I think that's genunine bonding....n that's quite an achievement considering the virtual medium this is :)


from mumbai
13 years ago

Lol ! Smile

from hyderabad
13 years ago

@ RAJ Accept your views to a certain extent. We need to support what is right.

from Kerala
13 years ago

Simply Delete this thread and PC's thread. We didn't read.

from hyderabad
13 years ago

Trying to hide something in this way doesn't solve the problem. How many topics can we keep deleting in that way?

from Mumbai
13 years ago
Good idea Sujithji, as it is the matter is solved and the case closed...
Mohini Puranik
from Dhule
13 years ago

+1 Sujithji! @Rajanith agree with you too!!!! Oh I am becoming very diplomatic! Smile

Mohini Puranik
from Dhule
13 years ago

Ranjith, sorry I misspelled your name!

from Kerala
13 years ago

@Ranjith, This is not the place to do such discussions. How these type of issues help you in blogging, If you people are very much interested in these type of discussions then go ahead and bring the solutions. Unnecessary personal attacks and unhealthy discussions through forums and Indichat spoil the ultimate purpose of this forum.

from Mumbai
13 years ago
Plus 1 Sujithji.
from hyderabad
13 years ago

@ Sujith I wish to clarify that I am not in favour of such discussions. I stand for the right to appeal. If there is no such provision, where would those people who have been attacked by others share their woes. The attacter will never accept his fault but still will be silent. The victim will be grateful to know that there are many who support the good. You can see in this particular case what ultimately has happened to the person responsible for all this.

How are the threads in the 'General and off topic'  sections, especially the one related to daily attendance related to blogging? I think this forum's purpose is not just to discuss blogging related issues but also a variety of other topics and to provide some daily relief to bloggers.


from hyderabad
13 years ago

@ Mohini Never mind , many others have kept changing my name in whichever way they had wanted to do so.

Mohini Puranik
Mohini Puranik
from Dhule
13 years ago

Hi Hemal! I am sorry dear, was involved in my usual tensions, couldn't come here from many days. I don't know actually what happened, I wish to tell you only one thing.....and that is...."-----------------------------------------------------". You have to feel the blank, you know when I was deeply hurt, what have you told me!

And one more thing, please smile and stay happy,"Pleeeeeeeeaseeeeeeeeee! Pleeeeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaseeeeeeeeeeeee!!! PLeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeASssssssssssssssssseeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!! PLeeeeeeeeeeeeeeseeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!" 

Chal take care, I have some story, to tell you, but time constraints!  Smile !

By the way, when I am here, nobody is allowed to be sad. OK?Cool!!!!

from Mumbai
13 years ago

Hey Mohini, where are you yaarInnocent Come back like before na, Your absence is deeply felt here... PleaseFrown

from hyderabad
13 years ago

Welcome Mohini back to IndiBlogger. Though you were not seen on this forum since the time I came here, I think that you haven't lost contact with your friends at IndiBlogger. I saw a comment on a blog ( the one that has a big chilli behind teh blog title) stating that blogger to stay in touch with you through e mail. Welcome back and have a good time.

Mohini Puranik
from Dhule
13 years ago

@Arti, sorrry dear, please check your indimail! and why you are so Frown! I know your cheerful face, Smile so keep it same! BTW Arti, have you seen my new DP on fb badge? You will find what I am doing!

@Ranjith - Thanks dear! Can't recall which is that red chilli blog, but I have said many friends to stay in touch! Ha ha got it which was that blog!!! I am happy to see, you know so much about me........! 

from Mumbai
13 years ago

@Mohini LOL :D Will reply to your mail shortly :) Good to see you back here Smile

a lot has happened. I was very busy . sorry hemal, 

Hemal Shah
Hemal Shah
from Mumbai
13 years ago

Thank you all for your views. I am sure I will move on from here, leaving this behind. Thats the way to go ahead and maintain peace and harmony.

I only took time to reply here was so that my replies do not influence others. Thank you for all your support and kind words. I wish and hope, it all ends here. Smile

from hyderabad
13 years ago

Glad to hear those words you. And another good thing is that I can't see her anymore on the forum. Have a good time blogging. And lastly hope that PC undersatnds what you frequently write at the end of your reples:

Keep Blogging! Keep original blogging!

from Sharjah
13 years ago
hemal , been following this whole thread between u and PC...iam ashamed to say that i found it very mans meat is another mans poison...but for heaven's sake dont take any of that to heart... i for one dont think you are sexist. Iam a sexist. I for one like anything with sex in it.
umesh derebail
from Mumbai
13 years ago

Lolz @ Tys

Madhav Mishra
from gurgaon,haryana
13 years ago

@tys i can always trust u to make humor out of!

thumbs up tys

Madhav Mishra
Madhav Mishra
from gurgaon,haryana
13 years ago

@ arti completly agree wid u. lets not tek dis too far.every person has right to his/HER opinion(do i sound like a sexist now?) but thats the whole point of blogging.u can write whatever u want. its for the other person to notice or opinion AVOID.if dey dont know u personaly, no point making such comments.

@pc may be u r right may be not but keeping a decency in language is good. PLEASE DONT BRAND ME A SEXIST

from Mumbai
13 years ago

Hey Hemal,

You know whenever I am upset with someone, I repeat this verse by saint Kabir -

Ja mein jitni buddhi utna woh keh sunaye,

uska bura na maniye bahut kahan se laye!

I personally dont like to get into fights but as a friend I really feel sorry for this entire mess you have got yourself into! Whatever happened was bad and what's happening now is even worse. The thing is that different people react differently to different situations and there are times when we feel so helpless in certain situations...all I can say is that be calm (I know you are Wink) like everything else here this shall pass too!

Cheer up buddy, just repeating what abhi has said above, forget this as a bad chapter and move onSmile

+100 Arti. But please explain the meaning of the 2 lines from Saint Kabir. I'm bengali you know. So hindi doesn't come to me too naturally.

umesh derebail
from Mumbai
13 years ago

+ 99 to Arti for a good motivational or pep talk to Hemal who has been target of brick bats.

from Mumbai
13 years ago

@The Xeno

English translation -

'The degree of intellect a person has, (s)he speaks that much;

Don’t feel bad of what (s)he says, from where should (s)he bring more!'

I dont think I have done a very good job with it, Innocent

oooo! nice quote! thanks for sharing.

from Mumbai
13 years ago
Let me try once again!! It means the God has given each of us some brain and we speak according to that... Now if you know that someone is wrong dont be upset on that person, after all the person is using all his brain and from where will he bring extra intelligence!!!
from Mumbai
13 years ago
Thanks Umeshji:)
from mumbai
13 years ago

agree with xeno, she is taking things too far.But sensible bloggers would know what she is upto. I dont think there is much you can do about it. There must be legal options available, but its upto you whether you decide to use them or not.Personally, I advise you forget this as a bad chapter and move on.

umesh derebail
umesh derebail
from Mumbai
13 years ago
@ According to me some individuals join the forum to defame & insult others particularly those who are popular, on some pretext or the other. So dont worry about it. You have established your credibility in the forum, and majority of members appreciates it. Keep your chin up and move on. Kudos Hemal.

I'd say that she has taken this thing too far by blogging about it. Of course she can say whatever she wants through her blog. But this is wrong. I don't think it was such a big instance of sexism that is has to blogged about. I don't think it was sexism(with the true gender-biased emotions behind it) at all. I don't think Hemal did any grave mistake by saying whatever he had. He had said something which he had learnt from his mother. Learn to respect that. As I had said before in the particular thread that It is his personal opinion and we can't change that. I wanted Hemal to apologize because it was a strong statement and apparently it had hurt PC. Hemal took it in the right spirit and immediately apologized. But I don't find a reason why it should have gone any further than that.

I don't know what she is trying to portray through all this. Yes. Sexism is wrong. But Hemal is not a hardcore male chauvinist and I hate the way PC is taking all this. This is wrong. Does she really think Hemal deserves this kind of defamation?

P.S: I doubt that too many readers of her blog will go through the entire blogpost! :p

from Pune
13 years ago

haha lol

from mumbai
13 years ago

+1 xeno !

from Mumbai
13 years ago

haha @Xeno +100 again!

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