Twitter Talkers - Trying to find skilled users of Twitter to connect here

Pundit Commentator
Pundit Commentator
from Delhi
13 years ago


I tried to put this post up 6 times a few days ago. It was deleted every single time by an anonymous moderator while the exact same thread for Digg was left up. Perhaps I'll be luckier this time.

I am a serious twitter talker. For the people who don't realize what that is, that means I pay attention to people's tweets and I use Twitter properly. That does not mean I am serious on Twitter. (By the way, if you needed to hear that explanation to understand me, this thread is not for you.)

So if you are the same, no matter what your niche, please connect with me @punditcomment. We can help each other out through meaningful connections whenever we spot them.

Take care. Have fun. Use Twitter to boost your blog's visibility and help promote other blogs you like. This should be instinctive and common sense behaviour but I find most people on this forum do not understand the meaning of a meaningful connection via Indivine voting, StumbleUpon etc. So please, do not follow people if you're not interested in following their tweets/niche and do not spam them asking them to promote your own blog without doing the same for the posts you like from their blog.

Keep it organic. Keep it real. Please note: I did not promise to blindly follow everybody who posts their account here.

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Pundit Commentator
Pundit Commentator
from Delhi
13 years ago

Please don't dupe anybody by pretending to be a Twitter Talker when in fact, you are not.

Pundit Commentator
Pundit Commentator
from Delhi
13 years ago

Please follow whoever sparks your interest without expecting an automatic follow back. If you make a mutual connection - great. If not, take what works for you only.

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