Hi! Is this as rocking as I think it is?
We're hep, we're behenji, we're simple, we're complex, we're moms, we're bosses, we're married, we're divorced, we're single, we're almost single, we're in a relationship, we're out of it, we're Indian, we're western, we're sure, we're unsure, we're here and there and we ARE CONFUSED!!!
Welcome to my world-I'm an Indian Born Confused Yuppie! Live with it!
It's a very enjoyable blog. I like the minimalist template, and I think your poersonal posts are the best (Black Hole, Introvert etc.) Soehow they reveal just enough for the reader's imagination to take hold. Or maybe I'm just biased because I like those posts.
Sandy....great blog....attracting posts..ur posts contain sumthng new in all aspects...really liked it very much...& of course its rocking.