Are you curious about IndiBlogger Community Summary Stats - Total, #Active/6 mon

Pundit Commentator
Pundit Commentator
from Delhi
13 years ago

Hello esteemed bloggers!

As a baby blogger and a baby IndiBlogger, I have a few self-serving questions I couldn't find easy answers to from the Website categories or the IndiTalk.  I believe answers to these questions will build confidence in the IndiBlogger platform. 

Please let me know if these appear sensible, feasible and useful to you. 

Big picture: I'd like to know more about this community.  Would you?

  1. Summary Stat: Total Number of IndiBloggers registered [ALL TIME/THIS YEAR/THIS MONTH etc.]
  2. Summary Stat: Total Number of IndiBloggers registered as [TOPIC CLASSIFICATION]
  3. Summary Stat: Total Number of IndiBloggers registered as [GENDER/GEOGRAPHY etc.]
  4. Summary Stat: Total Number of IndiBloggers inactive [broken down into - as defined by zero posts in last one year/6 months/3 months/1 month etc.]
  5. Summary Stat: Total Number of IndiBloggers active on the IndiBlogger Community [broken down into - as defined by activity on IndiVine/Forum/Blog Review/IndiTalk/Meets etc.]
  6. Summary Stat: Most Popular Blog/Post this year/this month/this week [as defined by visitors generated from IndiBlogger community] (this would be different from indivine because it appears right now, ppl are voting for friends without actually reading posts)
  7. Summary Stat: Each summary stat (no. 3, 4, 5, 6) broken down into topical classification - cooking, sports, art&literature, politics, religion, academic, technology etc. etc.

If you feel this type of hard data would enrich your IndiBlogger experience, please leave a comment or simply a vote of support on this thread. If you have further ideas for summary stats, especially where I've written etc. etc., please leave a comment on this thread.

When you consider 17% of the world is Indian, you really want IndiBlogger to run at its full potential. I think IndiBlogger is a terrific idea and resource. For the third or fourth time on a thread on this forum since I joined this week, but perhaps for the first time that anybody will notice, I'd like to thank the Inditeam for creating IndiBlogger.

Over to you, folks.

Replies 1 to 9 of 9 Ascending

Yeah! I'm so damn tired of banging my head on Indivine! ... i bet i'll leave those upgrades to Renie and his team... and i'll just continue posting on indivine.

You know what? I tried a post titled

How To Hack Indiblogger Wink

and surprisingly enough i thought people might be interested... and that day i got about 40 pageviews only whereas i usually get 25-30 pageviews daily. So about 15 ppl viewed my blog for this "attractive topic"... and i got 7 favs...

I wasn't expecting a single fav at all (honestly) but what i did expect was A LOT of pageviews cuz i reckoned people might be interested to know something like that... Tongue out


Pundit Commentator
Pundit Commentator
from Delhi
13 years ago

Would anybody else like to add their two cents to this discussion?

sorry i'm outta money right now.

Financially i'm worse than a beggar.

from Mumbai
13 years ago
@ Xeno LOL
umesh derebail
from Mumbai
13 years ago

I think we should conclude this marathon debate fine tuned to the network and topic rest let us leave to Indi Team to sail us through.

from Kerala
13 years ago

I agree with the stats suggestion. Just add a separate stats page with all these details, otherwise the homepage will be overloaded. Then what to show and not to show..Let's discuss.

Pundit Commentator
from Delhi
13 years ago

Thanks for the vote of support, Sujith. I hope people respond with ideas and comments so that we can present a good meaty proposal to Renie.

To my mind, summary stats are crucial to enhance the credibility and PR of IndiBlogger as it hopes to grow and tries to attract the attention of brand new high quality bloggers as well as older, veteran successful Indian bloggers who see no need to join Indiblogger or worse, don't even know about it yet.

Pundit Commentator
Pundit Commentator
from Delhi
13 years ago

Hey Animesh.

On no. 2 - It's called summary stats for a reason! Cool

On no. 3 - the idea is to find out how many registered bloggers are inactive for the past x time period on their own blogs. Indivine is not mentioned in this summary stat. Indivine is a social networking construct of IndiBlogger platform.

Think about it from the point of view of a regular joe. Indivine is not the only metric of popularity and quality (and as evidenced from other comments, not even a good one) as a blogger writing on a globally accessible website for a global audience of Indians and non Indians interested in the subject matter of my blog.

Summary Stat no.3 asks the question: How many of the total bloggers registered here are active/inactive bloggers [i.e. writing on their own blogs].

Summary Stat no. 4 asks the question: How many of the total bloggers registered here are active/inactive INDI-bloggers [i.e. participants in various ways on this community platform]

I hope it is clear now.

Pundit Commentator
Pundit Commentator
from Delhi
13 years ago

Thanks for this thoughtful constructive input, Animesh.  Ok, let me summarize and re-organize.

  1. Summary Stat: Total Number of IndiBloggers registered [ALL TIME/THIS YEAR/THIS MONTH etc.]
  2. Summary Stat: Total Number of IndiBloggers registered as [TOPIC CLASSIFICATION/GENDER/GEOGRAPHY/LANGUAGE easily converted from the cloud on the homepage]
  3. Summary Stat: Total Number of Bloggers inactive at present [broken down into - as defined by having written zero posts on their blog in last one year/6 months/3 months/1 month/1 week etc.] pls note this does not mean posts submitted to indivine, i'm trying to see who has not written anything recently on their blog
  4. Summary Stat: Total Number of IndiBloggers active on the IndiBlogger Community [broken down into - as defined by activity on IndiVine/Forum/Blog Review/IndiTalk/Meets etc.] pls note this is not the exact opposite of above - blogger in/active on own blog versus in/active on IndiBlogger
  5. Summary Stat: Most Popular Blog/Post this year/this month/this week [as defined by visitors generated from IndiBlogger community] (this would be different from indivine because it appears right now, ppl are voting for friends without actually reading posts) I bow to regular readers and voters on Indivine (i'm not one) and the related thread with Renie's ideas on this point
  6. Summary Stat: Summary stat no. 3, 4 (regarding active/inactive bloggers and IndiBloggers) broken down into classifications of summary stat no. 2

More ideas, people? Thanks.

from Mumbai
13 years ago
Liked the 1, 5 and 6 number points... But really dont want an information overload...
Pundit Commentator
from Delhi
13 years ago

Ok, got it.  By the way, I envision this information as a separate stats category heading as well as tabs on each blogger's profile.

Sidenote: haha. Based on your selections for the most active and popular people, it looks like you and I have opposite interests. I'd like to draw out the crowd with whom my interests match most from wherever they are hiding, whether they are active or not right now and whether they are "popular" with the current crowd active on the community or not.  For example, I really liked Pramod Lohia's marriage idea because I'm interested in finding bloggers on similar wavelengths and/or similar interests. Does anybody know what's happening with that?

from Mumbai
13 years ago
But you can already choose your interests by the tags given... Like I can search for all the travel Blogs that are registered here in the order of thier ranks... Also I feel that how many Bloggers are inactive is meaningless stat as what will we gain by knowing that??
Mohini Puranik
Mohini Puranik
from Dhule
13 years ago

OK! Well said!! Baby blogger, my vote for you!

Pundit Commentator
from Delhi
13 years ago

Great. Please do spread the word.

umesh derebail
umesh derebail
from Mumbai
13 years ago

Pundit, some more features can be added in tems of loading photo and video links from other sites such as youtube, picasa, flickr, etc.

Pundit Commentator
from Delhi
13 years ago


Ok, that is a totally separate topic. I'll mark that one down as "feature suggestion" separate from the "summary stat suggestions" on this thread. 

This is great. Keep 'em coming.

umesh derebail
umesh derebail
from Mumbai
13 years ago

Pundit, i believe the site should be fast loading and should be jumbled with too many combos.  I would rather have statistics such as total indivine posts, comments on threads, and category wise contribution.  Profile of the blogger would be a great feature too.  Rest of the stuffs are superflous.  Good debating points there

Pundit Commentator
from Delhi
13 years ago


  1. Did you mean the IndiBlogger website should not be jumbled? I didn't understand your first sentence.
  2. Ok, you want the same kind of summary stats for individual posts as I requested for blogs, got it.
  3. Summary stats on comments are covered in summary stat 5 regarding activity on the IndiBlogger website as defined by activity on the forum.
  4. Profiles of bloggers already exist and are filled out as per the discretion and privacy preferences of the blogger.
  5. So you don't care to find out exactly who is IndiBlogger community. Got it.

Thank you for your quick response!


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