Please do review my blog. :)
It's a mainly personal blog, with posts on topics that affect me. You'll also find a smattering of creative writing. There's also some poetry and drawings.
Please review my blog and let me know your feedback-whether I could make any changes in my writing style or in the blog itself. Thanks.
Greetings Nupur,
Well I am incapable of appreciating poetry let alone understand it. So I stuck to reading the works of prose by you. It is quite interesting I must say, going by your posts you said you are learning to work your way around compliments. So I will keep them subdued
A few suggestions
1. The theme is very common, tinker around with theme's that aren't loud or gaudy. Because I feel your theme should compliment what you write. Not the other way around.
2. There are two widgets for showing user visit count, figure out which one you would want to use.
3. The about column is reserved usually for a small introduction about you and what you wish to convey through the blog. I don't know whether you took a conscious decision in categorizing it as a genre. Most of the readers might skip about section, as most writers don't publish post under that label. So better change the label lest should your veritable articles go unnoticed.
4. You could do well with a tag cloud and a calendar for your articles. Also as in the near future link other bloggers to your page with a blogroll tool.
Well that is all I could muster for now :). Keep writing.
Carpe diem.
A little surprised why you weren't appreciated by people from the opposite sex. I love the frankness in your writing really.I read a couple of your post and the carefree nature though no absolutely unique was refreshing. my only suggestion is that you may want to have a few more gadgets uploaded to you Blog just so to augment the aesthetics of the blog. I like the white black and gray shades that you template has
@Dhanesh-First of all, thank you very much for reviewing my blog.
1. Alright, will look for a suitable theme. It kind of went with one story series on the blog called Insane, but looks like it's time to change.
2. One is for individual hit counts, which registers IPs.The other counts all total hits. But they look ugly and I shall do away with both, since Wordpress counts my hits anyway.
3. My theme categorizes the About section separately...but thanks, I'll do something about it.
4. Okay. Will incorporate those changes.
Thank you very much!
@Kunal- Thank you very much for reviewing!
Okay...what kind of gadgets do you suggest?
Thanks once again. :)
Nupur!!!!!!!! :D
Okay,I'm going to indulge in reviewing your blog XD
Lovely blog,absolutely lovely. One suggestion is choose another theme which supports widgets,nothing's more useful than a lot of widgets,trust me on that. There's a widget that allows people to just type in their email id and subscribe to your blog, there's another one that shows your most viewed posts, there are widgets that allow you to add any HTML code or images and tons of other uses!!!!
As for the writing itself, I'm in love with it. You've got an extremely excellent command over English, and your prose works magic while your poetry creates a beautiful scene. I just loved Apocalypse, and your tribute to your grandfather :D
If you can tinker around with the blog's HTML coding, then try using the "read more" function. When anybody loads your blog's main page, all your articles are fully displayed, causing the page to get big, and plus it takes longer to load. On the other hand, if you tinker with the blog such that the first two paragraphs of every post is displayed just on the homepage, and anybody interested can read further by clicking the "read more" link to your individual posts, it'd work wonders. Unfortunately, I dunno how to do that, but trust me, it works :D
Use Blogroll. It does wonders. You can use it to hold a referrence link to your readers to blogs which you think are awesome. That way you'd be doing some other good blogger a huge favour, and who knows how many incoming links you get too eh? :)
Oh,and last but not the least, in every post, try and attach atleast one image, it adds to the visual appeal of the post, I promise that :D
Okay, I've pakaufied enough. Bottom-line is, nobody's perfect, but your blog's really really awesome. Any blogger who's reading this review thread, don't read further, just go read Nupur's blog and learn for yourself how wonderful it is :D
And Nupur,I'd be honoured if you reviewed my blog too :D
Hmm, okay. Will see to that.
Thank you very much! :D
I'm kind of okay with HTML, so will try to do that.
Okay, thank you for the suggestions.
Thank you once again. :D
Hey, I got what you said about the 'Read More' thing, but I found something that's close to it.
Go to Appearance>Theme Options
There should be an option, 'Display full post or excerpt'
yeah,well,it doesn't work.i tried it already :P
I would suggest you to show only excerpts on the home page with a read more link to the rest of the article. Otherwise very good literary work. Please do review my new blog IncrediBlogger - Learn to become an Incredible Blogger!. I especially want to to check for the page loading time.
thanks and all the best. happy blogging.
There's something like Indicoder on your blog...So u can't call urself just 'okay' with HTML :D
Achyuth- Oh :O
Prasenjit-Hmm, okay..will have to figure out how to do that.
Sure I will.
Gaurav-I say 'okay' because I learnt HTML very long ago...eight years ago, to be precise. And I didn't practise much. So I'm a little rusty. I'm well-versed with other programming languages, though.