Did your traffic hit a plateau

Prasad Np
Prasad Np
from Delhi / Gurgaon
13 years ago

Once you start the blog you post it to all your friends etc and they visit, then some of themare less enthusiastic about your posts. At this stage you need genuine traffic outside of your friend circle. Did you experinced the same? How did you over came it.

Replies 1 to 6 of 6 Ascending
from Mumbai
13 years ago
It hit a plateau during the world cup semi final and final days!!!
Mohini Puranik
from Dhule
13 years ago

I got the big traffic in those days, coz of my opposite stream articles! but i m really thnkful, ppl took me seriously and boost my confidence, they spent so much time on my blog, discussing!

Mohini Puranik
from Dhule
13 years ago

actually i didn't intentionally, but just wrote what i feel. but ppl respected it a lot.

from Mumbai
13 years ago
They were well written, written from the heart...:-) But I am a big Cricket fan:):) so I did not mind the joy traffic, even I was absent from the blog on those days :-P
from Mumbai
13 years ago
Oops joy=low :)
from Mumbai
13 years ago
The hazards of typing from mobile :-(
from Minneapolis
13 years ago

my traffic has always been in that plateau. i chose to blog anonymously and haven't really taken much effort in publicizing my blog. 

Dhiraj Shenoy
from Bangalore
13 years ago

+1 me  too

Pundit Commentator
from Delhi
13 years ago

I blog anonymously too. No "friends" traffic. All genuine traffic.

from Mumbai
13 years ago

I just tried to write comments to blogs which I liked and generally they reciprocated... Obviously I genuinely loved visiting their blogs...

Also I tried to follow blogs in my niche "Travel" and they too being interested in travelling followed mine too!!

But the main source of traffic is definitely from Google and other search engines which has always been on a steady rise since thenSmile

umesh derebail
umesh derebail
from Mumbai
13 years ago

i believe it is long grinding phase of brand building, particularly when you don t intend to commercialise the same without revenue stream to back up.  Like minded bloggers need to lift the blogs, i am only concerned that many are selfish in their endeavour, they seek comments and add on i mean followers but they don t reciprocrate when it comes to them.  

@ Sauvik all the best for your phase of brand building.


from Kolkata
13 years ago

P.S I am yet to over come it :-( going thru the phase :)

from Kolkata
13 years ago

If you wanna go cheap...

1. publicize ur blog on social networking sites put up status updates, tweet, buzz..

2. add a email signature with ur site adress, (this really helps)

3. join various blogging network

4.  comment on other people's blog, build up a fan base

5. Build links, exchange links with blogs of same genre. The more links you have the more chances of diverted traffic you have.

6. Guest blog - this might be a tad too difficult, coz after work and all, it difficult to update your own blog regualrly. but again if u do it, it helps

7. and then there is google adwords, put up ads( that i ll suggest should be at a later stage, when you have decent content. 

At the end of the day, you need to work hard, and put effort mate :-)


Hunky @ NexGenBikes.com
from Kolkata
13 years ago

Followed the most of the points..

  1. The Social thing -> Doing, but turns out that I am not that social Tongue out
  2. Email signature -> did (even here also) Tunrs out I dont email much and people dont visit
  3. Bloggind network -> Here I am, writting in indiblogger but turns out not many are interested about my subject of blog Foot in mouth
  4. Commenting -> Comment where ? every where I find Tech blogs and personal blog Frown nothing on my subject so even if I comment, their readers are not interested..
  5. Link building -> People ask money in return since my blog as no rank at all Cry
  6. Guest blog -> didn't try it yet
  7. Google Adwords -> I am poor you kow..Innocent

Only thing in these points which I missed out is guest blogging, lets see if I can get any opurtunity !!!

Prasad Np
from Delhi / Gurgaon
13 years ago

Hey Sauvik: When u say cheap do u mean cheap by expense or cheap by ethics?

Mohini Puranik
from Dhule
13 years ago

Hunkey! so saD!

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