Finally Got Adsense

Prasad Np
Prasad Np
from Delhi / Gurgaon
13 years ago

After waiting for months, I got approval for adsense. I wondering how is other bloggers experience with the same?

Replies 1 to 7 of 7 Ascending
Magali Vaz
Magali Vaz
from Mumbai
13 years ago

I have had adsense for three to four years. Never crossed $20 haha Laughing

Kumar Nair
Kumar Nair
from Trivandrum
13 years ago

Nice way to convey that you need some clicks :-) ..I did all thats necessary to improve my blog ..Alexa Page Ranking has improved..Page Speed has improved..Number of pageviews have improved..But my adsense earnings have not improved Cry

Prasad Np
from Delhi / Gurgaon
13 years ago

clicks will follow readers leading to better earnings :) :) 

A few extra $$$$s never hurt anybody :)

Prasad Np
Prasad Np
from Delhi / Gurgaon
13 years ago

@hunky .... richer by $1.28 :)

Prasad Np
Prasad Np
from Delhi / Gurgaon
13 years ago

Once u reach the verification threshould, Google will send a PIN to your address to verify address. The payment minimum amount for Google is $100/- U may have to flll a non US resident form if you are living out side of US. U have option to take payment in INR 

Hunky @
from Kolkata
13 years ago

how are the earnings going ??

from Mumbai
13 years ago

My adsense account got approved only a few months back. It has not yet reached the threshold of 10 $ mark! inspite of my blog having a considerably good traffic!

Also i wonder i will get that amount too or will the account get refreshed from thereon?

from Mumbai
13 years ago

@Arti - you will get that amount . They roll over all earnings so no click you gain goes waste . Payments are calculated on the 1 st of every month and checks are dispatched on 15 th of every month . So if your acccount balance is 550$ on 1st march and you make a total of 580$ till 15 th march then you will still get a check of 550 $ and the remainin 30 $ will be rolled over and added to your next check amount . Also ,if you dont reach the payment threshold of 100 $ in any month then the earned money is rolled over . 

Earnings depend on traffic> niche > ctr > cpm in that order of priority . If you have a blog about a tech niche then you may earn say 5 $ per click and if you have a very high paying niche keyword site then per click may even fetch 35 $ . Its all about joining all the strings and finding a profitable niche for success with adsense .

You will get a snail mail within 1 month of reaching 10 $ , to verify your address .

Kumar Nair
from Trivandrum
13 years ago

How much is the traffic..Trying to know what is considerably good traffic :-)

from Mumbai
13 years ago

@Kumar - As I said , its relative . You can have 1000 visits and 100 ad clicks on a niche of "computer hardware" and make 25$ or you can also make 75$ from just 10 clicks generated from just 200 visits from a high paying niche . So there is no fixed traffic chart that binds the earnings . You can find the niche and its "per-click" rate in Google adwords tool .

I have removed adsense from my blog now since I am switching to another adnetwork .

Prasad Np
Prasad Np
from Delhi / Gurgaon
13 years ago

Thanks Malay, I have no plans to use adsense as my primary source of income :)

Check it out:

Malathy Badri
Malathy Badri
from Bangalore
13 years ago

Congrats Prasad. Use it wisely. Don't be tempted to tell your friends to click on ads. May I see your blog?

In India, there are quite a few service providers that offer adsense account approval within 24 hours for a small fee. You can either search for them or just read my blog post at

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