Nirupam Ghosh would like you to review his/her blog.
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Royal Nirupam

Nirupam Ghosh
Nirupam Ghosh
14 years ago

I have just started blogging for 2/3 months. Started a serial story plus some science topics,abot my native place etc.Wants to know whether i am worthy for this platform,and how can i develop

Replies 1 to 1 of 1
Hemal Shah
Hemal Shah
from Mumbai
14 years ago

Nirupam, you can get yourself a new theme. This ones isnt good from a reader's point of you. you have a lots of widgets around, try to get rid of them and only keep the ones that you think your users will appreciate. .

Never use Bright colors for Fonts. Its a turnoff as it strikes the eyes and one easily gets irritated as he/she reads a few lines. You write good btw.

Nirupam Ghosh
14 years ago

Thanks a lot, will do accordingly soon