Blogging Ethics
A few quick points (got to go to the office!). Others can add ...
- Respect the blogger's view. Even if you disagree. After all it is his/her blog.
- If some one laves a comment, always respond - either by a simple thankyou mail or a reciprocal comment.
- Be a good citizen of the blogosphere. All laws of politeness in ordinary conversation applies to blogs too.
- Always acknowledge source. Nothing puts off readers when they come across plagiarized material.
- Always add value to a reported material. A copy and paste or a series of links is no good. Be a blogger not an aggregator.
Shall add more ...
Cheers! Churn-news
This topic on bloggging ethics is quite informative. I make sure that I reply to all the comments I receive and also visit their blogs and leave comments too.
your ethics are with full of manner.
But i am a bigginer and hoping for personal help from seniour blogger. If the bloger which is from pune city pl inform me.
This thread should be added along-with the TnC to register for
Seriously, these ethics need to be followed in the blogosphere.
and thanks everyonw for the inputs.
Um, how do you add a link to a picture in Blogger? A picture that I have, and would like to credit?
I tried to look for this online, all the html codes don't work.
I have personaly experienced, insult and use of blogs to vent out jealousy or enemity. This is wrong I feel. Blogs are a wonderful medium to express yourself and your creatvity. Negative things should be avoided here.
Hah!! At last found a thread to my forum topic.
Hope you are back from office! Wating for some more points
Recently I came across a very popular blog on Indiblogger itself. The owner posts a certain humorous variation of articles and till now I was very much impressed with most of the content as I, among many others, was under the impression that it was his original content. Couple os days back, though, I came across some content which I definitely knew was a chain mail forward and had been pasted in the post without acknowledging so. When asked, I was referred to their disclaimer tab, which points out that most of the content is indeed mail forwards and that the author has not right over the matter but them being mail forwards for ages, no one knows the original author and hence no copyright violation.
I, still, do not think that the 'disclaimer' pardons the owner from not mentioning the same in the post especially when most of the readers never read the disclaimer part and hence are under the illusion that the content is original.
I would like to have some views on this!!!
@aashish - mentioning in each blogpost the source even if it is email forward should do the trick...
Thank you! I did suggest the same to the owner, who was adamant otherwise... but to no avail... And what saddens me is that people actually think that this is his original work and applaud him for that!!! and his is, as proclaimed on the blog, a very popular site... which means that that many people are getting duped!!!
When we talk about moderation, let me tell you one thing my friend. The concept of blogging is actually free of any kind of moderation. Whether to read a blog or not should actually be the discretion of the reader. In this world we are transfering the onus of censorship to the readers. This is more logical and more open.
True! but you are reading someones blog with a certain set of expectations!!!
Its like you go on a date with a cute chick you met on internet and when you meet her, she actually turns out to be a pot bellied 'he'... Now no body forced you to go out on a date but you did with a certain expectations and for the hopes of betterment... but you did feel cheated by this situation, didnt you???
the blpg is personal, but when we write a post and post it, it becomes public, then it is open to all types of criticism and appraisal, both should be taken in teh right spirit, to improve our blogging capabilities.
try to be yourself when ur blogging.
Thanks for sharing the ethics regarding the blogger post. It's make the concept pretty easier. will do keep in minds the points that you shared.
Is blatant self-promotion of blog ethical?
Blogging was meant to be personal. And accepting praise and criticsim equally is a quality every blooger should posses that's the only way he can get better and improve in the true sense.Having said that great useful post Amitabh :)Cheers !!!!
Nice tips. I had been ellipses in some of my blogs. This will help me. :)
+1 to Shriharsha for point 12!
OMG! I am visitng this forum after a looooong time, and I was amazed that this thread is still alive. I guess people love to dwell on basics that make sense even after a long time.
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