Request for testimonials!

Renie Ravin
Renie Ravin
from Chennai
14 years ago


In the next few days, you're going to see some changes to IndiBlogger. One of the additions we plan to have is a page where we tell bloggers who haven't joined IndiBlogger as yet what they are missing. When you guys have the time, could you post your testimonials on this thread as to how IndiBlogger has helped you?

Gracias! Smile

Replies 1 to 20 of 25 Descending
from Somewhere in India
14 years ago

For Sure...

Mohini Puranik
Mohini Puranik
from Dhule
14 years ago

Hi Renie, 

Thanks for giving us chance to share our feelings about our dearest IndiBlogger. See  it's 2:30 am and I am still on Indi. I guess it's enough! Anyway, I have joined to IndiBlogger i guess a couple of months ago.....and what IndiBlogger has given me is.....Many very very nice friends....very deep readers for my beautiful IndiRanks....i can proudly show achievement. The best part about IndiRank is it's updated monthly, so we have to work to maintain it.....more than we worked in Schools for good Rank. It's beautiful too. The IndiForum is very we get instant help from the experts....friends are always ready to help. The blog reviews....also when we review others' blog it's also a great joy. IndiPolice is doing great job.  Also Inditalk is also very nice..we get the chance to interact...simultaneously visit the blog and read it too. I guess we have become IndiFamily here.......and the joy of getting votes....aahaa I can't tell in the words....if I will establish as a writer or poetess.......i will always remember first readers......Pramodji and i will always remember the first encouragement i got from Indies.......and all my bestest friends...too! I guess i should have an article on my blog.....on this isn't it! Do you guys liked this one.....this is truly from the heart!

Mohini Puranik
from Dhule
14 years ago

 I would like to add  one more thing here. During the Akshay Patra Contest I had an article dedicated to Indiblogger, Akshaya Patra and The Blog and feed 50 contest. And all the participents. I request you all, especially Renie and Inditeam will you please read that article? I think it can be added to these Testimonials.....The name is The Akshaya Patra Contest by Indiblogger - A simple way towards revolution. This article has connected Blogging, Spirituality, Social Networking, InidBlogger and Akshaya Patra together for the solution of various social issues. You will love that!

Medha Nagur
Medha Nagur
from Bangalore
14 years ago

So Indiblogger is changing...all the best guys. You have been doing a great job till date and change means we are going to get a lot more from you.

-IndiBlogger is more than just a blog directory... its a platform to showcase talent.

-IndiBlogger is the one who brings bloggers and sponsors together through contests.   This  is a real great thing you guys have been doing.

-IndiBlogger offers a chance to this indicommunity to get to know each other personally by conducting indimeets.This is how many of us are real life friends today.

-IndiBlogger virtually inspires bloggers to push their limits and give out 101%. This is because we are on indivine and our posts are read and promoted by the great  indicommunity.

-I feel nice and instigated to write more when I look at my fellow bloggers and mommy bloggers in particular.

-I am not done yet and I may revist this thread as there is so much to tell about indiblogger in India.

I can just go on and on......






from Mumbai
14 years ago

Indiblogger has been a great motivation and of immense help in shaping my overall blog.There are a whole bunch of fellow bloggers who are ever ready to help us in hours of crisis.

  • Indiranks keeps us on our toes, always inspiring you to keep blogging and to reach greater heights.
  • The blog review section helps to improve various aspects of our blog by knowing what other bloggers think of it.
  • Submitting posts to the Indivine section gives great exposure and wider reach to our posts which sometimes otherwise may go unnoticed.
  • Timely contests keep up the competitive spirit and initiatives like Akshaya Patra gave us a chance to do our bit for the society as responsible bloggers.
  • Also there is no bias here on the basis of indiranks and everyone is treated equally and given a fair chance.

I don’t have enough words to thank the Indiblogger team as it certainly has helped me grow as a blogger… Indiblogger is certainly not only a blogger directory for me, its much much more...

Thumbs up for this Renie and All the best for the future changes too!Smile

from Mumbai
14 years ago

Once upon a time, there was once a lost child, in the vast ocean of blogosphere. He had no idea of the blogging world and its rules. Yet he dared to venture into the unknown. Not knowing what lies ahead.

He wrote his blog and waited for the readers, no one came. No comments, no followers, no appreciation. He tried to spread the word via social networking, no one gave a damn. He tried spamming, nothing but frowns. He even tried the streets with the url of his blog on a cardboard placard, not even mercy did he gain! In a desperate attempt to get noticed he went from blog to blog, hoping to make a network and get noticed. Didn't work out.

Then, one fine day, while browsing through a blog, he came upon a widget, an "IndiRank" widget. He was curious, and he discovered IndiBlogger! Liked, the concept, but was not sure if he'd be noticed in this vast population of bloggers already so popular. He registered, with shivering hands. And requested a review of his blog.

Some reply came, they were encouraging. Then he went on the "IndiForum". He expected his "views" to go unnoticed just like everywhere else. This was not the case. He got reply from every other person on the forum! Then one day he got a reply from the man behind IndiBlogger himself! Thats when he knew this was not just any other bloggers forum. It was something different. Then he got his first "IndiRank"! The shiny badge that he can show off on his blog! He felt great. He discovered "IndiVine", that gave the required exposure a blog post deserves. And then, the followers, the comments, the readers, the pagerank all increased to pleasing proportions!

Indiblogger gave the newbie blogger a new friends, new readers, new exposure, new appreciation, a new home!

Then, on a fateful day, he met the "IndiTeam", who was behind this great invention. He was extremely pleased to be among them, in no way did they make him feel a newbie or an outsider, they were like the best of friends!

Then the IndiMeet(s) happened! And meeting the blogger buddies, the faces behind the DPs, the blogs was an experience that is extraordinary, always special!

I was the unknow Aditya before IndiBlogger, it gave me the identity that I am now! IndiBlogger made Addy....The Addy Brainwave! Smile

from Kerala
14 years ago

Wow Nothing left for me I guess. Mohini, Addy, Pinky have shared all that I wanted to convey. I shall Add One more Point:


I gained so many friends who share my Interest, Come to help me when I need them. What more could I have asked. 

Thanks Indiblogger and my dear Indigriends.


Mohini Puranik
Mohini Puranik
from Dhule
14 years ago

By Reading Aditya's story....I am so sentimental....I can't control my tears... I thought Addy has written my story. Hmm! I haven't attended the very famous Indimeet yet......Oh God! When will I meet all these angels who made the path of my blogging easy and successful! And of course gave me the chance of social service by simple Akshaya Patra Blog and Feed 50 contest......I wish I will be the part of the Indimeet one day......and wanna see that Indi Ts who have created a maina in the blogs and lives of bloggers....!

I can only say that my blogging was completely haphazard and my blog   was one the brink of falling off the cliff in to an abysmal abyss.

I will frankly say wihout any shame that I had joined Indiblogger just to participate in Soch Lo contest and the credit goes to tikulli, though she doesn't know of it. 

Since then on, there has been no turning back and my blog has grown by giant leaps, courtsey, Indiblogger team and fellow family members.

There is a saying "man is lead by the desire to be appreciated."  and rightly, I feel deeply overwhelmed to Indiblogger & family, for the astounding appreciation I and my blog has received.

I take this opportunity to thank Mr.Renie Ravin, who has taken personal initiatives to my queries on many occassions, which needs a grand applause.

I did make many great, great  friends too.

Three cheers to Indie team " hip hip hurray"

                                                  hip hp hurray

                                                  hip hip hurray. 

I am deeply honored, to see my testimonial too finding place. Cheers Best wishes

Hi everyone!

I'm so glad that some change is being thought about the format of Indiblogger, not that it lacked anything, but change is always welcome.

A lot has been said about Indiblogger by my blogger pals, but would definitely like to say this one thing, which I've said earlier too that INDIBLOGGER connects all the little islands (blogs) strewn all around in the occean of Blogosphere.  If not for a platform like this, we bloggers would have got discouraged to a great deal, as there would not be much chance to meet other bloggers, who would read and appreciate each other's views etc.

As a newcomer to the Blogsphere, I registered at Indiblogger and found some very amazing blogger pals, and I'm thankful to INDIBLOGGER for that. and not to forget the Indirank, which makes me feel so proud of my writing skill!!

I feel like writing a complete post on this including a working guide on what all to do at INDIBLOGGER.  If Renie permits me, then would leave a link of the post, here in this thread.

Long live INDIBLOGGER !!



Renie Ravin
from Chennai
14 years ago

A complete guide for IndiNewbies would be great! Smile

thanks! would be writing that....I would really appreciate if you have a look at it before I publish it, as I don't want to go wrong factually.... you can correct me wherever required. So, let me know how to mail u the article?

thanks :)


Renie Ravin
from Chennai
14 years ago

You can email me at - indi AT Smile

OK thanks! But now with this changed look, i got to observe the things properly before i write something... will surely get back to you.


Renie Ravin
Renie Ravin
from Chennai
14 years ago

Wow! Thank you so much people. Much, much appreciated - these are more than just testimonials. Smile

@Renie, The gratitude can never be expressed in words. And these come straight from heart.
Hemal Shah
Hemal Shah
from Mumbai
14 years ago

@Addy, you are the dude!! said everything that is in the heart of IndiBloggers...

I share my story with Addy! And am sure so many others will do too.. to be recognized and accepted has been in more ways than one given so much of a confidence boost (its the secret of my energyTongue out) and enabled me to blog much better. Have made a so many IndiFriends and having met and attended IndiMeets and talking to IndiFriends over the IndiForum. Being the part of IndiPolice and giving out IndiWarnings gave us a much needed shot in arm to get more active over the forum while participating in IndiContests on Indivine got us excited but nothing like waiting every month end for the IndiRank! IndiCauses kept us checking our Sins and washing them by doing a good IndiDeed. Feel fortunate to list my IndiBlog over here and placing my IndiBadge on my IndiBlog, then doing IndiChats while i wear an IndiTee I got from #IndiBlr and #IndiMum IndiMeets seeing the IndiSmiles made me feel like a Demi IndiBlogGod.

You think I went IndiCrazy? here is IndiMore for you then...

Then came the IndiMobile version which enabled even an IndiBiker to be on the IndiForum on the move. Then over the ActiveBloggers thread having an IndiFight with IndiFlirt (MAG! who created IndiRecord for the longest thread) and IndiLoaded with words for a IndiGun and firing at IndiSpeed of thought. How can someone not be IndiAddicted with this IndiGenius of an network?

In a word, IndiBlogger is IndiAwesome! So here goes my oath, All IndiBloggers are my IndiBrothers and IndiBrother's IndiSisters.. 

Hemal Shah
from Mumbai
14 years ago
Mohini Puranik
from Dhule
14 years ago

Wow! IndiBrother! This is real IndiSuparb!

Medha Nagur
from Bangalore
14 years ago

This is really indi-ilarious and absolutely indi-elicious.....Laughing

Vineet Rajan
from Mumbai
14 years ago

Hemal! Man, thread like these just keep us going and inspire us to deliver more! This reply of yours is long as a blog! :) 

from Mumbai
14 years ago

That is an awesome IndiTesti! I hope this doesn't sound too cheesy!  

Hemal Shah
from Mumbai
14 years ago

IndiThanks@Mohini @Pinky @Vineet @Addy Cool

@Pinky wow, Indi-elicious.. CoolWink

@Addy I hope not WinkWink

@Vineet you guys inspire so much for us to do, i guess its only a small return gift Innocent

from India
14 years ago

Would it be possible to edit the thumpnail photo or image of the blogger in the new indiblogger settings ?

I think that it would be a very useful feature if added.





Poorvi Shrivastav
Poorvi Shrivastav
from Hyderabad
14 years ago

I havent been here for long , 3 months I suppose but in those 3 months there are 3 million or so times when i have pressed F5 to refresh the content of the indiblogger home screen,

1. Just to know what's new,

2. What happened to my post

2. When is the indirank going to be out

3. Who is online in chat room

4. Vent out my office frustation to an Indifriend

5. Get suggestions on something I need to know

6. Discuss ideas that fly out rapidly through our Indiminds

and so much more ...

If I write more than this , I may get short of space..

 " The minds and hearts of 1000s of us

   tied on our blog riding on the Indibus

   from social to personal

   from technical to travel

   anything that comes our way

   nothing is left astray

   For we have our own  place

   where the writings find solace "






Hemal Shah
from Mumbai
14 years ago

Nice Poem Purvi..

from Bangalore
14 years ago

I always knew I was the best, Indiblogger confirmed it. :)

Jokes apart, Indiblogger is a fabulous platform to meet like minded people.  Writing is one of the most creative manifestations of my brain's right half (the others being shoplifting and being a pain to humanity in general :P).  But seriously, writing is a heartfelt obsession of mine which incidently, is not shared by my immediate social circle.  And there's no greater pain for a blogger than to have come up with something fabulous and not being appreciated for it.  And that's when I discovered Indiblogger - it's here that you meet fellow bloggers, united by the passion to write and divided only by the frequency.  I've read so many blogs, learnt some amazing perspectives, seen some fabulous pictures and shared comments, views and opinions .  I started writing for Indiblogger only very recently, prompted by the various contests, and in a week's time, I already came up with two posts (which by my standards, is a really big deal).  Ultimately, Indiblogger is all about the writing.  You write what you like, and when you see it appreciated by others, you like what you write. 

The best thing here is that there's nothing wrong at Indiblogger, there's only write. ;)

At Indiblogger, it's all about the words.




Techinsert com
Techinsert com
from Kolkata
14 years ago



It’s a very good platform to meet all Indian bloggers and to share their unique views.

Recently i joined here. So i don't able to know all features of Indibloger but many thanks to Indiblogger for helping me a lot for my blog. So much to say!!! but i am little busy for my blog. Laughing




Visit us @


Renie Ravin
Renie Ravin
from Chennai
14 years ago

I must admit you've all made me feel a bit emotional right now! Embarassed

We're not too far away now from having the new stuff up. Am putting the testimonials page up - I hope you guys don't mind me making a few small changes to what you have written. I've not changed the meaning, only changed what was necessary to put things into context for new-IndiBloggers. When the new page is up, if you feel that you want anything to be changed, do let me know.

And once again, thank you all! Smile

from Mumbai
14 years ago

spent the whole morning searching for the "testimonial page" where the hell is it?

Sanjay Vedula
from Hyderabad
14 years ago

Please do have one! I have been writing one, but not very satifactory. Will refine it by the time you get this out Smile

from Bangalore
14 years ago

Rock on, Renie.

Waiting for the new changes :)

Renie Ravin
from Chennai
14 years ago

Hold on Addy, hold on! Smile

Hemal Shah
from Mumbai
14 years ago


Waiting Waiting Waiting Waiting Waiting Waiting Waiting Waiting Waiting Waiting Waiting Waiting Waiting Waiting Waiting Waiting Waiting Waiting Waiting Waiting Waiting Waiting Waiting Waiting Waiting Waiting!

from Mumbai
14 years ago

Dude Hemal that hold on is for me! Get in line! 

from Kolkata
14 years ago

I think it is *Indid fascinating to note, where diverse minds, mindsets, style,belief,understanding,delivery,patterns -can create so much commotion -at  Indiblogger they  all unite under oner roof - consistently, harmoniously.

*Indid It's one thing to build a good platform and a completely different thing to sustain it. Indiblogger has space - for everyone , and within that space,they have created a sense of belonging.




*Websters just changed the word Indeed to it's new name -  Indid.!!

Ritu Lalit
Ritu Lalit
from Faridabad
14 years ago

I started blogging a long time back.  I would read American bloggers and envy them - they had a platform like BlogHer for women bloggers and so many more for technical bloggers and others.  They had so many niches, and they had meets etc.  I wished that we had a platform here in India for bloggers.  Surfing the net, I chanced upon Indiblogger and registered here.  Recognition was slow but it came.  Over the years, my blog kept evolving and so did my writing skills.  So did Indiblogger.  I attended one of the meets in Delhi recently.  It was an eye opener.  So many people who share my passion for blogging!  To evolve is to remain alive.  All the best Indiblogger, may the evolving take you to new heights. 

Some people are atop the ladder of blogging success. Some can be seen at the middle rung. A great many at the lower rung trying to climb. But it's sad to see a vast majority not even knowing of the ladder and where it is. It is indiblogger alias indiladder, the ladder craved and much sought out after, by one and all aspiring towards blogging limelight. Best part is "It's totally Free! Free!
Sanjay Vedula
from Hyderabad
13 years ago

wah Pramod ji wah! Awesome words there Smile

Thanks sanjay,
umesh derebail
from Mumbai
13 years ago

Some of the good things in life are free Indi is one forum

Indiblogger inspires me, encourages me, and provides great information and knowledge on blogging! I found wonderful friends here. Thanks Renie! 

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