Hey..! Introduce yourself here...What's your name and what's it's meaning?

Mohini Puranik
Mohini Puranik
from Dhule
14 years ago

Hi Friends! This is Mohini! Whenever i meet someone i like to find the meaning of the name of that person and why their name must be so.......? So tell what's the meaning of your beautiful name?....Our country is with diversity....and the people from different states has different names.....so it will be beautiful to know the names and meanings of the names of the Indibloggers, which will make each other know.....! Starting with my name. I m Mohini - and no need to tell the meaning. But for me true beauty lies the beautiful thoughts given by The God to me, and of course a mind without jealousy and hatred makes us more beautiful. One more thing permanent make - up..as you can see my profile pic...Ever - lasting smile.....So I think I am really Mohini. Now it's your turn......Tell me about your name. Do tell about your Blogging name too.

Hi Friends! I may not be available on forum on inditalk due to some reasons for this entire month at least! But please keep posting and keep introducing each other! I am sorry I am not here. Frown. If I can't reply please don't think I am ignoring or like that. I really like to know about you pals!

Keep smiling.....Smile. And keep introducing here, always and thanks thanks for your introduction.

Edited 13 years ago
Reason: some changes
Replies 1 to 20 of 68 Descending
Poorvi Shrivastav
Poorvi Shrivastav
from Hyderabad
14 years ago

I am Poorvi , and share the same blogging name too :) . By all means my name means towards the east or more on the east side but I am a hybrid :) ..

Also , people can describe what they do and hwat they like ( hopefully more information :) )

I am an environmentalist cum Software engineer .. in love with my Windows at office and my windows at home.

Mohini Puranik
from Dhule
14 years ago

Hey Poorvi! beautitul intro, i was thinkin about your name......i loved the last line most! you love windows.

Poorvi Shrivastav
from Hyderabad
14 years ago

Yeah Mohini I do love Windows

1) I work for Microsoft .. so at office I love my windows phone 7 , my windows installed lapi.. and every bit of the UI.

2) I love sitting in evenings by the windows.. with myself and nobody around.

3) I adore the life we see from the windows.

4) I am happy to be in the windows of this world ..

Your name is beautiful as it means ..I remember a hindi film song after this .. a film named mohini .. starring Madhu.. was released in 1995 I believe ..

Mohini Puranik
from Dhule
14 years ago

Hi Poorvi! Loved your window philosophy......Smilei also like to sit near window alone with a cup of coffee......ya! i remember that movie and song too. didn't understand that movie.....

from PATNA
14 years ago

my self  "irfan" and i m here with the same blogging name... literally it means "some one who remembers God"....... though  you won't find me that much religious ...:)

to begin with, all I can is that , I am a guy whom you will find sometime very clear in his thoughts but someday I may look like a confused guy, just because I am a bit introspective of my surroundings......

by profession an engineer in Broadcasting industry......


Mohini Puranik
from Dhule
14 years ago

Hi Irfan!  Really nice name.......i didn't know this meaning. i m also many times, very clear and vvery confused too...make ppl confused.

from Pune
14 years ago

Mohini I love your name and I like the way you interpret it. I really believe that one's name impacts one's personality. I am Tulika - that's a Hindi word literally meaning a 'painting brush' but it's something that was used for writing in olden times. It kind of resonates with my profession as a writer and an ex- print media journalist.

In blogosphere I am OM- Obsessivemom.. and that is self explanatory. Since I had my  twins about four years back I've been an OM and my blog is majorly dedicated to the bachchas. Now, however, I'm beginning to look beyond at other things too.


Mohini Puranik
from Dhule
14 years ago

Thanks Tulika you liked my name and it's meaning too. I loved your name too and your bachhas too. Twins is a such beautiful gift......what' s the name of ur bachhas. 

Mohini Puranik
from Dhule
14 years ago

I didn't know the meaning of Tulika......it's wonderful.......

Vivek Chamolli
Vivek Chamolli
from New Delhi
14 years ago

Hi  everyone , my name Is Vivek .. and   you know its meaning  for sure  i.e wise , wisdom , never loose hope and so on..

From childhood I am inspired by swami Vivekanand. Even teachers in my primary school days  used to call me Vivekanand and I wished If it could be this way only.

But , then Vivek name was given by  my parents by their thinking ..moreover I was curious after my nomenclature as Vivek , that M I (Mission impossible) really doing justice to my name , M I really able to live to the expectation.

If I look inside I do find  ..I never loose my hope , have  patience .. , a slight wisdom may be present ..but  anger has been dominating from quite a while ..is this has to do with Astrological sign changes, I Do not know BTW  ;).

My Blog is a randomness (entropy) of me and  my likes dislikes all inclused ..and for any help I M there to help.

Mohini Puranik
from Dhule
14 years ago

Hi Vivek! This is really gr8. I see your balanced personality.......justifies your name Vivek.  The introductin is really beautiful.....your blog too.........Thanks for sharing your thoughts with us. :) 

Sanjeetha Veni
Sanjeetha Veni
from India
14 years ago

hi mohini...

You are very familiar with my name...:)

but still let me introduce myself to other indibloggers...I am Sanjeetha Veni doing my 3rd year engineering.

My name means "Joyful and proud especially because of triumph or success."

My blog name is Young Turk..I laways wish to be an entrepreneur one day...and that's the reason how i got this blog name from popular cnbc tv show "young turks " which features budding entrepreneurs...

Mohini Puranik
from Dhule
14 years ago

I know you Sanj! But didn't know the beautiful meaning of your name...your name and you just perfect, very beautiful. And the blog name secret also I didnt know.....very nice. My best wishes always with you .......dear!Smile

Sanjeetha Veni
from India
14 years ago

thank you so much mohi..:)

Mohini Puranik
from Dhule
14 years ago

Thank you????? Frown OK  then i will call you Sanjeethajiiiiiiii

Sanjeetha Veni
from India
14 years ago

Innocenti will get back m thanks...but pls dont call me ji...Yell

always i am sanj for you..Smile

Mohini Puranik
from Dhule
14 years ago

Hmm that's like a gud gal! Sanj baby! Laughing

Sanjeetha Veni
from India
14 years ago


My name is Deboshree - it means "Goddess" in Bengali (read: good girl) :)

"Of Paneer, Pulao and Pune" is my blog authored with the same name... it is a chronicle of my observations in and about this lovely Maharashtrian city.

Mohini Puranik
from Dhule
14 years ago

Hi Deboshree! I loved your name...it's really divine! very beautifulll. And your blog, you writing on the three things I love most! Especially my Pune! I saw your blog.....really beatitul...Thanks for sharing here! Smile

Hello Mohini :)

Aha good to know you share my love for Pune... and thank you for checking out my blog!

from Mumbai
14 years ago

NIce name Deboshree.

And Pune is a place everyone is in love with. I miss Pune every single moment and will go back there soon:)


Hey Animesh :) Interesting blog you have got there.

As for Pune, I couldn't agree more. I am in love with the city as well.

from Mumbai
14 years ago

Thanks Deboshree:)

Pune Pune PuneSealed


dipanwita, great intro, a deep burns itself but lights d world.
Mohini Puranik
from Dhule
14 years ago

@Deboshree .....Thanks for coming my blog......keep coming may be you will love it more than Pune. About Pune ya! I love it!

Mohini Puranik
from Dhule
14 years ago

@P - exactly ! about Deepanwita....i didn't thought this way.Smile

from Mumbai
14 years ago


Nothing can be more lovely than Pune :p

Your love is next to it:)

Mohini Puranik
from Dhule
14 years ago

@A - Frown

from Kolkata
14 years ago

Hey this is Dipanwita- my name means "The Festival of Lights" or Diwali. Conventionally I am supposed to bring out lights wherever I go but I prefer the dark. Darkness does not necessarily always mean depression or sadness for me, although even tht holds true. I feel tht darkness is romantic, unknown and adventurous..it has a beauty of its own, but somehow it is always under privileged when it comes to light..light to me is vastly overrated. And well, tht is me. Eccentricity, wittiness, knowledge interest me.

p.s: I write under the pseudonym, "The Silent Observer". :)

from Mumbai
14 years ago

Dipanvita... nice name and nice introductionCool

 "I feel tht darkness is romantic, unknown and adventurous", I love this line. And anyways, light is always at the other side of the dark. Those who can't feel darkness cannot enjoy light as well:)

All the best


Mohini Puranik
from Dhule
14 years ago

Hi Deepanwita! I loved your name! I didn't know the meaning of the name, really very beautiful. Your philosophy about light and darkness is very true. Ya ! I like both.......black and the light! You have written so beautifully.......i can't write anything....If you are speaking so nice then y are u silent obeserver!Smile. You write really very nice. Do stay in touch. Loed ur way of thinking.

Hey friends , newly christened name P, Means: drink, beloved,Any new meaning u can think of.
from Kolkata
14 years ago

lol...you guys have a knack of making newbies feel homely..I couldn't have asked for a better reception. :) I am glad you like my blog. I tend to be introverted in real life; I guess that's why all the feelings creep up into my creepy blog. Thanks. :D

from Mumbai
14 years ago

Introverts make good writers:)

I am mostly introvert, at times outspoken though

And we Indians anyways have a knack of making anyone feel homely:)

Mohini Puranik
from Dhule
14 years ago

@ Dipa.....may i call you Dipa? It will be more friendly. We are proud Indifamily.......Stay is touch keep sharing thoughts.....

Mohini Puranik
Mohini Puranik
from Dhule
14 years ago

Namaste Pramodg! ...ooops........Hi P! P means peaceful, p means perfect, p means.....present a person love to live in present and love to cherish beautiful Past. P means.....Pleasant......P= Prosporous...........frends........now u contribute more here!

from Kolkata
14 years ago

hehe thanks a lot. :)

Mohini Puranik
Mohini Puranik
from Dhule
14 years ago

Before coming here I was Mohini Madam! When I came here.......I was Mohiniji.......then......as the love of my Indi friends gone increasing my name started reducing........Mohini...........Mohi..........Moh......M. Finally , today.........Mg! Mg= Mohiniji, Madamji! Can we take it as Most Gorgeous!.......MG ......Means Great!.........enough! bragging is not allowed here!

Mohini Puranik
Mohini Puranik
from Dhule
14 years ago

Hey Friends! Let's celebrate new B'day of P. Happy B'day to u P!Smile

Thanks Mg, gr8 thr celebrations r on. Mg stands for magnificient which you forget. and ofcourse master g , too.

from Mumbai
14 years ago

Animesh who was Ani and anu for friends till date has become A. 

Thanks to P and Mg



Mohini Puranik
from Dhule
14 years ago

Magnificent and Master G. wow! loved it.......celebrations are on but where is cake. 

from Mumbai
14 years ago

You get what you bake... this is with respect to cake


Mohini Puranik
from Dhule
14 years ago

 oh my cake? Undecided

from Bangalore
14 years ago

The name is Raj.....Ranjith Raj. (line works best with the 'James Bond' background music :))

Even though the literal translation means "War-Win-Rules", (which incidently is my alter cyber name), a lot of my friends say it my name should have meant "Narcissist "(pig is silent). 

Jokes apart, great blog here.

Best Regards,



Mohini Puranik
from Dhule
14 years ago
Thanks Raj.....Nice name. And nice meaning too. Thanks for visiting my blog too.
from Mumbai
13 years ago

Nice name buddy

from Bangalore
14 years ago

The name is Raj.....Ranjith Raj. (line works best with the 'James Bond' background music :))

Even though the literal translation means "War-Win-Rules", (which incidently is my alter cyber name), a lot of my friends say it my name should have meant "Narcissist "(pig is silent). 

Jokes apart, great blog here.

Best Regards,



Dhanesh Gandhi
Dhanesh Gandhi
from Mumbai
14 years ago

Hello People,

                         I am dhanesh and my name has sanskrit roots. It means "God of money". I grudgingly disclosed this to my HR during my first interview and it has been haunting me ever since.

I am a huge fan of sarcasm and satire. Many of my posts exhihibit this though I wish i could write more on acceptable topics. I try to question and reason things that are widely accepted and taken for granted.

I think respect is something that is more pious than anything including love. And the right way to get respect is to earn it through deeds and not words. I don't take myself seriously and so should you :-)

I love to listen rather hear and talk rather than speak.

My blog www.dhaneshspeaks.wordpress.com

Carpe Diem.

Mohini Puranik
from Dhule
14 years ago

Very nice name and very nice philosophy. I loved it. i heard Dhanesh is a kind of Bird too. Isn't it! Sorry for the late.......... I was actually thinkin what to reply coz you have written it beautifully. what to reply.

Abhishek Sinha
Abhishek Sinha
from Bangalore
14 years ago

Hello every1,

I am Abhishek, and I do like reading blogs, but not a very active blogger myself, and not even a very good one, for I just write to mock at things like hypocrisy and snobbery. I like sarcasm, but not the demeaning one, but one which is subtle but also hurts. I cm to indiblogger rarely, but have become active on twitter lately, so do connect with me there


Mohini Puranik
from Dhule
14 years ago

HI Abhishek! Cool 1 ! I read ur prections for 2011. Y do u think that u r not a good blogger? I loved the article. keep it up!

from Ara/Vasco Da Gama
14 years ago

hello all !!!

This is Harsh. I blog by same name and Harsh meaning happiness. I am college student and write mostly on day to day college life with some added flavour. My reader reads me for this "happiness" only.. ;)



Mohini Puranik
from Dhule
14 years ago

Hi Harsh! nice name you have! naturally creates happiness so look your blog. and your vision is nice too.

Nirupam Ghosh
Nirupam Ghosh
14 years ago

HI everybody, this is my maiden outing at Indiblogger.Thanks Mohini for your beautiful innovative idea. I am Nirupam(please don't laugh means the incomparrable).Check me at http://nirupam62.blogspot.com and please make your comment there.


Mohini Puranik
from Dhule
14 years ago

Thanks Nirupam! This is really nice name why to lough! Your blog looks very Nirupam, Didn't read now but will surely. The site is really beautiful.

Hemal Shah
Hemal Shah
from Mumbai
14 years ago

I am Hemal - name in Sanskrit means a Mountain of Gold, also means a Lump of Gold..

I blog at Hemal Shah's Indianomics I dont know if i have the qualities of gold or not, what I know is that its my identity. I am not scared of Mercury though Tongue out

Mohini, you are now being more active here.. Its so Good to see more peolpe getting active here...

I didn't know this meaning of hemal, I thought it to be very delicalte, komal, 

Hemal Shah
from Mumbai
14 years ago

haha.. i am not delicate... lolz

Mohini Puranik
from Dhule
14 years ago

HI Hemal! Thanks for writing here. Indi - Hero here. The senior blogger and the Active hero too! Your names is very nice and ya! i thought it so komal ......like your sweet DP (BTW who is in this DP?) What a kid like me (kid in blogging ) will say anything about your Blog? The meaning of Hemal is so wonderful........I cudn't imagine this. So do you have Mountain of Gold?  I am more active plus addicted here, but not Indi - Hero like you guys! I am Simply Mohini! ya many ppl more active, we get so many nice topics on forum too.!

Hemal Shah
from Mumbai
14 years ago

Hehe, thats me when i was 3 years old.. cute na.. Smile

na I dont have a mountain of gold.. if you find one do tell me.. lolz...

Its just time Mohini.. i worked my way up and i see you are really active here and its just time that you get into that list.. what makes me happy is that i am contributing here and not that I am on top. IndiHero is one who guides and nurtures others.. irrespective of the number of posts that he/she has made... I am doing my bit, but for sure I am not a hero.

Hemal Shah
from Mumbai
14 years ago

and ya forgot to reiterate.. I am not scared of Mercury though Tongue out

Mohini Puranik
from Dhule
14 years ago

Hey Hemal Your DP is is really Indi- Cute! I also don't know the mountain of Gold only know the Golden heated friends I met here.

You said >>IndiHero is one who guides and nurtures others.. irrespective of the number of posts that he/she has made.

So I must say You are  Indi-Cute, when we see your DP, You are Indi - Gold on Forum when help others and Indi - Bold when you are on leg pulling job.Laughing

Loved your view on Indi - hero. then you are the real one. I like to help and here i always get instant help, I also like to help others. This is Indi - Sanskar!

from bangalore
14 years ago

i want to ask a question....

is blog catalog is better then blogger>>??


Mohini Puranik
from Dhule
14 years ago

Sorry Eshawr! Don't know much about that. The Indi - heros can guide us!

from Ara/Vasco Da Gama
14 years ago

Thanks Mohini........ :)

So, You visited my blog!!!! How was that???


Mohini Puranik
from Dhule
14 years ago

Hi Harsh ! That's cool! just didn't read yet but will soon! Smile

from Ara/Vasco Da Gama
14 years ago

I will wait for your review............. Smile

Mohini Puranik
from Dhule
14 years ago

thanks dear! wil soon!

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