Kshitiz Anand would like you to review his/her blog.
[ http://www.aphotojourney.blogspot.com ] IndiRank: 36

What do people think about the blog?

Kshitiz Anand
Kshitiz Anand
from Bangalore
15 years ago

And also the photographs in the blog?

Replies 1 to 2 of 2
from Bangalore
15 years ago

K****iz - Your photo journey is amazing. A picture definitely is worth a thousand words!

Btw, are all those pictures of lake Michigan? They are beautiful. I liked the verses with the photos, they add character to the blog.

I liked the no clutter look and feel of your blog. I did take a peek at your flickr stream. The photos looked better on the white BG. I'm not a photographer and I definitely am biased towards white themes, so that could be it. The only suggestion I have is to add tags/categories to your posts and have a category listing on the right panel. I was looking for more nature photos but then realized I had to go through all your listings(and you have quite a few). 

Keep clicking and posting,


Lazy Pineapple
Lazy Pineapple
from Pune
15 years ago

Hi K****iz

Amazing pictures...absolutely loved them. As prerana said...a white background will make the pictures really stand out...

Also 2-3 posts per page will make it easier to navigate.  A category button at the top of the page will make it easier for the reader alongwith a button for home.

I will be adding u on Indiblogger network.

Keep blogging!!