Do you write regularly on these topics? Pls submit your site here.
Dear fellow bloggers,
I'm on a look out for blogrolling good & regularly updated blogs with these genre in mind which I personally prefer reading - humour, personal anecdotes, autobiographical narrations & fictional write ups. Besides, I also like reading real-life inspirational stuff and life in general through a common man's eyes.
Please do come forward if you would like to share your blog and I would be happy to blogroll by laying it on my reader.
Please submit your blog if you write in one of those genres I mentioned above. And also, if you have a chance, do visit my blog and share your views.
Victor Guerra
Reason: edited
check mine
you can try my site.
Thanks shashi.
hello Victor...
I fit in your category.. But thats now why i am replying here..i m replying to thank you. If you remember, you are the only one who promotes my posts at indivine. Thanks..
I've written a lot on my own personal experiences which have taught me in absorbing two polar emotions: love and ironies of life.
Hope you find it a good read.
Visit this also
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