Gaurav Duggal would like you to review his/her blog.
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Looking for a feedback about my new Technology blog

Gaurav Duggal
Gaurav Duggal
from Hyderabad
13 years ago

I have started writing my new technology blog. I have learnt how to buy a domain i and start using open source wordpress software. 

I would be heavily writing about the technology and things which matter to us all.

This blog will have new and unique content everyday, review it for making it better


Replies 1 to 5 of 5
from Mumbai
13 years ago

Hi Gaurav

An excellent beginning.  Liked many of your posts. Has lots of tips for the bloggers. And you have an easy writing style.  Congrats.

The template is appropriate.  Minimal use of the graphics needs to be applauded.  The side bar is neat and clean.

On the whole, you are on a perfect launch pad.  I hope your efforts are noticed and well appreciated.  Keep blogging, my friend.

Drop in at my blog for a review, when you have the time.


Pennlyess Nick
Pennlyess Nick
from Andaman
13 years ago

I like your writing style, but try to include more technology related posts, you can do great with that kind of style and presentation.


checkout mine when you can.

Mayur Godhani
Mayur Godhani
from India
13 years ago


Your Blog ranking Is very low.. Only 31

please  blog daily and keep it up...


if you know gujarati you can visit my gujarati technological blog..

Mayur Godhani
Mayur Godhani
from India
13 years ago


Your Blog ranking Is very low.. Only 31

please  blog daily and keep it up...


if you know gujarati you can visit my gujarati technological blog..

My Ranking is 63

Gaurav Duggal
Gaurav Duggal
from Hyderabad
13 years ago

Thanks you guys am not sure whether you visited htp:// or my old blog.

I am tightening my shoe laces and will be giving you guys a great blog in coming time, would appreciate the feed back.

I will also start guest blogging and would appreciate if people join my blog