Not Getting Anything to Write on The Forum!!!

Amit Ahuja
Amit Ahuja
from Sagar
13 years ago

I guess, you are new to forum or may be not an addicted one to the forums. Write about how you started blogging and how you moved thereafter. Tell, how your blog is doing currently and what are your plannings. The visitors will view your blog and give their valuable suggestions on improvement.

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Amit Ahuja
Amit Ahuja
from Sagar
13 years ago

Hi Arti, nice name for your blog. I looked into your blog and there is a bunch of nice info over there. The pageviews that your blog is very good and your consistent writing will keep you progressing. One suggestion to your blog is to change the lookout by updating into some professional theme and a good logo design to give a professional look at first glance.

You know, I am also planning to start a Travel blog very soon and will let you know at the time of launch.

Do have a look at my current blog Thefundu and do provide your valuable feedback with any suggestions you prefer.

from Mumbai
13 years ago

I started blogging when I realised that as a traveller I was not getting very relavent info on the web like places to stay, eat, shop etc...

Thus I started writing my own travel blog trying to help out other people...

Today I get about 250-350 page views  per day of which about 80% is from google, so think that I am doing OK!!! Also I have a GPR of 2 right now...

How to increase quality back links??

from Delhi
13 years ago

new on forum....Surprised

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