Kindly Review My Blog On Indian Stamps : I will definitely Review Back
Every Indian stamp has a history behind it.For users its just a tiny bit of paper ,but for collectors its a source of inspiration and information.This blog started by me is an endeavour to put in one place information about all stamps of India and promote philately as an educational avocation.This is a non commerical site and intent is to build a complete informative site on Indian Stamps.
Made Changes To My UI As Per Suggestion Of Fellow Bloggers..My Site is now mobile friendly.Moved From Alexa India Rank From 30Lakhs+ to 47,000..Thanks for all the feedbacks
Reason: Made Changes To My UI As Per Suggestion Of Fellow Bloggers
Hi Kumar
A nice and neat blog. All info virtually at the tip of your fingertip. A great relief to the eye and the brain alike.
The only suggestion I have is about your sidebar where the text appears submerged! Why not change the background colour to bring in better contrast?
Keep blogging, Kumar. And if you get the time please review my blog.
Thanks rajuda, Thanks for your feedback.I have now darkened the sidebar and the tag cloud text is clearly visible.The text will be more visible when i start adding more articles to those categories.Thanks for feedback it valuable .I will review your blog and get back to you.
Good to see that your ranking has shot up..
The ranking have drastically moved after incorporating changes into the blog.Blog is faster and am able to get 250 to 500 Visitors Per day.My New Indiblogger rank has moved from 62 to 75
Hello Kumar... Such a wonderful concept. Information about Postal Stamps. Great thought. I would suggest you to add some widgets, that would helps you more.
Pls review my blog when you have a time.
Best Regards,
Thanks for reviewing my blog. I will consider adding widgets.I visited the blog and found articles good for leisure time read.I feel the look and feel of the UI can be still improved which will bring more visitors to your blog.
The ranking have drastically moved after incorporating changes into the blog.Blog is faster and am able to get 250 to 500 Visitors Per day.My New Indiblogger rank has moved from 62 to 75
Hey Kumar!
Very unique blog! Good concept and lots of information. Thanks for that.
Thanks for your comments.I am looking for continuous improvement in the coming year.And have set the goal of adding atleast 500 more stamps to the blog with information about the stamps.
Hi Kumar,
Your blog is quiet a find for me. i had big craze for stamps and their history till a few years back. this blog totally refreshed my memories and love for them. It's a very neatly done blog and I love the facts and figures!
Great work....keep going!
Hi MJ,
I also started cooking a few months back.And am enjoying the same.Will try some recipes from your blog and will keep visiting your blog. :-).Thanks for your comments and it will go long way in improving the blog.
Lovely blog Kumar... i am absolutely in love with your idea... the journey of the indian culture thru philately ... u know when i was a kid, i used collect stamps like mad, had some 2000 odd stamps in the stamp books :-) but slowly as i grew up the enthusiasm died down... and i never thought the way u thought about it ...
lovely one! and also thanks for reviewing my blog.
Hi Sauvik,
Thanks for your morale boosting words, Kolkata still continues to be home for many philatelists .I Started collecting stamps when I was in class 4 and had given up in between.But now i possess some of the rare stamps in the world including Penny Black (world's first stamps) and Huge collection of Penny Red (World's second stamp).
Keep in touch
An International Philatelic Exhibition Is Going To Happen in Feb.They are releasing a stamp made out of Khadi Cloth.You may be interested
Require more comments and how I can bring in more visitors to the blog
A very happy new year to you all
One of its kind...Neat and crisp blogs with lot of information hanging on to them. The idea and effort behind this deserves lot of appreciation. A facebook link could help you attract some more visitors.. Also may be a more colorful theme though the curren one looks a lot elegant to the subject you have chosen..
Thanks for the words of appreciation..I had already posted the link on facebook and will try to incorporate your idea of link from Blogger to facebook..Read your blog post on egg allergy..My 2yr son is allergic to egg as well :-) ..I am going to bookmark your blog and go through it.
This blog has been a learning experience for me.
It took me a while to figure out how to place a like button ..finally added the same.Thanks for the value will bring some more traffic to my site I believe.
The ranking have drastically moved after incorporating changes into the blog.Blog is faster and am able to get 250 to 500 Visitors Per day.My New Indiblogger rank has moved from 62 to 75.Please take a look at new design
Wow. Where do you get your information from - there is a ton of detail in there. Almost encyclopediac in its breadth and depth. And did you actually start blogging in 1994? Did not know blogger existed back then :).
But more seriously, like most poeple I used to do stamp collection as a kid, and now they are probably in storage in my parent's place. Seeing someone take each stamp and treat it individually as a learning experience is great. Keep up the good work!
Thanks for finding out the bug in the blogger..:-) .The idea of the blog is to advocate the idea of stamp collecting as an educational avocation.
As far as your stamp collection is concerned ,please open your storage and check the stamps.The stamps which I brought for 21Rs in 1992 is costing 3000rs today.
Entire idea of this blog is build a knowledge base of Indian Stamps for collectors and those who want to learn more from it.
Thanks for your encouraging words..I also pursue photography..I have bookmarked your blog and will go through it.
Thanks. Maybe I will pull some of the old stamps out of storage. Though I would still have to figure out how to value what I have :)
Do take a look at my blog. Appreciate it.
The ranking have drastically moved after incorporating changes into the blog.Blog is faster and am able to get 250 to 500 Visitors Per day.My New Indiblogger rank has moved from 62 to 75.Please do take a look at new look and feel of the blog
Hi Kumar
I really love to see the used the philately to show the journey of the indian culture
Keep up the good work!
Thanks For The Review..Encouraging words are always welcome..Happy New Year to you.
Hi Kumar,
Wish you a Happy New Year. And Happy Blogging Year as well. I liked your blog. It is quite unique and reflects the hard work that has gone in creating it. Keep it up.
Hi Debojit,
Thanks for your comments..I did visit your blog and read the article on Akshaya Patra.When I was working for a MNC in Bangalore I got opportunity to teach voluntarily with a government school nearby and could see in real the difference the Akshaya Patra is making to the lives of underprivilaged.
I liked your views and thoughts..all the best for the new year
If i can be of any help in improving your blog let me know.
Kumar Kamaleshan
very informative and great collection of pics on stamps in a categorized way.
jazzy look can be given to the blog.
best wishes.
Hi Pramod,
Thanks for your comments.I am looking at all ways to improve the blog including how to make it jazzy surely you will like it in coming days.
Today I have posted a blog post,"Vasco Da Gama Voyage To India Re-enacted Through Stamps",an interesting read
Let more comments pour in ..I will take a look at your blog as well.
just saw changes, really great.
Hi Pramod,
Thanks for your feedback..It's pain tweaking the Blogger unlike wordpress where plugins are available..I could it do it with lots of patience..Most of them gave feedback that site is very narrow.Now site is broader and mobile friendly as well.
I was not knowing that some one can have blog on Philately yours is a really nice blog. I think with stamps you should also give information about history of the person, place and events on which the stamp is printed. this would be immense help.
Hi Bhavin,
I am extremely sorry for the delay in replying.I liked your comments and I am working in that direction.I have also started improving UI to accomadate more information.I am getting good feedback.Let more feedback come.
One my favourite things I did when i was a Kid...Most Intesrting it is to get the crisp unique Stamps...Its a tedious job collecting...
Ur blog gives all of dat...M actually happy to trace sucha site...Keep posting..
M tracking the updates...:)
N yeah Thanks for all of dat...
"Continuous Improvement" is my mantra.I am working in that direction.Nice to know about your interest in the hobby.This blog is like google labs for me.Whatever I am learning from it is priceless.I have improved my alexa rankings by 10 lakhs in last one month.Just if you are curious my ranking is 2,121,027 (World Ranking) and 169,025 (India Ranking).I want to break into 50,000 ranking in India and 5,00,000 (world ranking).
You have a ranking of 6,398,021.So keep blogging and enjoy every minute of it.
Loved a kid i loved collecting stamps...inface it facinated me...your blog brought back those memories...good read, and lots of info...
Hi Subhrashis,
Thanks for the praise..I am trying continuosly improve my blog with quality contents.The traffic has increased as a result.I am almost near to Alexa India Top 1 Lakh Sites.Hope I will be able to make it into top 50,000 in next 3-months
Excellent blog!
Loved the graphics part below the header (may i just ask you how you have done that?). Just culdnt resist clicking on all 4 of them, and going through those assortment of lovely stamps, really very nice!
The stamp collection is eyecatching, old, simple yet so wonderful!
You really have a not only very unique but also a very well kept blog, Good going
One suggestion though--
You could increase the widgth of the main content pane which looks a bit narrow to me. Try utilizing the window space to the maximum.
Rest is great... Keep blogging
Hi Arti,
Thanks for all your suggestions.I will work on it .
For the graphics part I Use GIMP and the newsboard has been picked from Wordpress themes.
My friend who is good in javascript helped me do that.
I am trying to develop my own theme for blogger.
Keep Blogging
Arti..I have now incorporated the changes you the blog is cinemascope from 35MM :-)..Let me know if you have any more feedbacks.