Mock a blog, Goof ups... share all your funny experiences at Indiblogger here.

Dr Pushkar
Dr Pushkar
from Mumbai
15 years ago

After having crawled the Indiblogger forum on umpteen occasions for hours together reading those views, reviews, re-reviews, tips, tricks, solutions, ideas & what not, I had a feeling that still the experience isn’t complete. I felt “there’s something missing there”. But what was it? After all there are 6000+ registered psychos, maniacs, nuts, cynics…. I mean bloggers at this forum. What is it that has eluded there thinking prowess? I thought about it looong & haard (for hours then days….). Then the lightning struck me, there was a big splash !!!Whoosh!!! I had my answer. Guess what it was ??? !!Dumbo!! its FUN. Yes its FUN, FUN & more FUN.

Can you tell me a single remedy (apart from fun), which can cut across names, languages, locations, any barrier that you can imagine. One that can relieve & entertain so many people who come here after the day long (or the night long, Oops!) hard toil. One that can fill them with energy & excitement even after a long stressful day. Play with a child, have some fun with him for sometime, see how he gets closer to you. Its one thing that can connect virtually every member of this Indiblogger forum.

Ok. Brainwash complete. What's this forum topic for? This topic will let you free yourselves & let your creative energies flow. Here you can mock any blog at Indiblogger (or at www), post your own goof-ups & all things that you find funny about your or others blog.  But please write in a way where everyone can understand & not just your closer ones. Do mention the blog you are referring to. Please resort to constructive criticsm, one that will help. Please don’t spam it with unnecessary links pointing to other posts.

As we all know excess of creativity is very dangerous, so to avoid its excess & wastage, there are a few nano’s I mean no-no’s :-

Flaming is strictly not allowed.

Offensive language (any obscenity) will serve you a ban.

No evil intentions please.

Do not target any single blog.


As for those lucky ones who will get their share, please take it in lighter vein. You may need to swallow a bitter pill but remember it always helps, just pinch your nose a bit & take it in. It will help you realise where you have gone wrong & thus improve the quality of your blog. Please do not leave aggressive reactions on blogs. The scope of the comments passed here is limited to this forum & its display anywhere else is prohibited. If you have any complaints please contact the moderators. I trust your maturity please don’t let me down. Hoping for a good response.

I know you must be feeling sleepy by now. Please don’t, the show has just begun. Thanks for bearing.

Edited 15 years ago
Reason: Title Modifications.
Replies 1 to 6 of 6 Ascending

solved. Culprit - Opera. Most welgum.

umm...Frown .. still no. Ctrl+V here --->

" Theres a difference between Duncan Goodhew bald and mortal men bald. Similar is the case with the pic displayed and next-door-girl. Scray. Nightmare? Absolutely.

P.S. Don't martians wear helmets to cover their baldness?! "


Nutty, not able to comment on ur latest blogpost , btw. Dunno why.


Dr Pushkar
Dr Pushkar
from Mumbai
15 years ago

Nice one Sindhu. I really envy u cos u had a blind follower. LOL!

I had this anonymous blog once. Was writing a post about this really funny conversation I happened to have had at the cost of my ex.  Somewhere I slipped up and in the last line, by mistake, his name was mentioned. A friend of mine, an avid blogger and blog reader happened to be following my anonymous blog then without knowing it was me. My cover was blown. Since then it's been referred to as my 'blog-boo'.

Hemal Shah
Hemal Shah
from Mumbai
15 years ago

Pushkar, what do you eat?

Two powerful ideas in a short span of time. Okie, here goes one goof up which Amitabh recently pointed out. Not too much exiting, but this once came up just few hours ago.

"In all the hoopalla of Oscars, I did not sleep in the night eager to see two Indians win Oscars, as all the news papers and news channels reported. I was watching the T.V. and moving from channel to channel so that I can pass time till 6 Am. 

After the event started, I started posting live updates on my Blog on every award that was being handed over for the Nominated categories (was not interested in side awards like Life time and Comedy). 

What I goofed up was that I forgot that mentioned Rahman has shared the Oscar with Gulzar. Which makes 3 Indians winning Oscars.

Thanks Amitabh for pointing out.

Dr Pushkar
from Mumbai
15 years ago

Thanks for the complement & for sharing your experiences. Tell you the truth, i 'm dying to eat my favorite dishes since last few days due to Apthous ulcers.

You really goofed-up the entire post erring at the most important point. But these things happen, i really hate those typing errors they make you look like a fool. Keep sharing your ideas & please spread the word.

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